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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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Della is amazing. Honestly, she needs a contract. She needs 3 appearances a week. She needs to become Kay's new best friend and the show's second matriarch. Seriously.

The montage at the end of the episode was perfect. More importantly, and I am shocked someone recently critiqued this...this was a perfect demonstration of a "theme" episode. Really, both wedding eps have focused on "couplings"...especially today.

No romance on this show? We saw it in all flavors today. From the pure mature coupledom of Michael and Lauren, to the "welcome home" growing strength of Kevin and Jana, to the growing recognition that Amber and Daniel may not be on the same path, to the new adventure of Cane and Lily (and yes, she was HOT in that outfit!). Chloe and Billy -- so far apart -- were in some ways most affecting. And while CF didn't sell me on Mac...Katherine's protection of her granddaughter...her loving arms...did.

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I love that there are now posts about CF caught acting!

Breaking News: This just in. Clementine Ford has allegedly been sighted acting - with real emotions. We'll keep you updated on the accuracy of this report, which is doubtful.

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You are shocked because I didn't like the most of couples in montage? Really? Also, I don't believe that I ever said that Y&R lacks romance. However, I definitely do not like the kind of romance that Y&R does have its canvas, then again I do not think that Y&R is as wonderful as you do.

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Actually, although I read your post, I was thinking more of Alvin's consistent comment about lack of romance.

I actually thought today's episode was largely lame, but I enjoyed the ending montage.

And the "Glenn Close/Cruella Deville" line for Jill. Ironically it is GLORIA who usually gets that label.

I wouldn't say Y&R is that romantic...and many of their romances are "off"...like "fractured fairytales" in Rocky and Bullwinkle. Which is what I want. I definitely don't want Harlequin Romances.

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