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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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I don't think they are bringing on TB just to have it be, Cane is the real Chancellor after all. That would be as much of a slap in the face to fans as making Gloria or Nikki Catherine's daughter, after undoing that stupid Jill/Kay retcon.

I've been hoping Cassie had a twin, since well before Jackass murdered her for Sharon Case's unsuccessful Emmy campaign. But that was long before Pheila, Jeffrey, Alastair and other doubles were brought on. Back when she gave that baby up for adoption, splitting up twins was the norm.

And I don't care how bad an actor he was, Malcolm was the hottest male ever to grace the Y&R.

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Jana's going crazy again...

Thank goodness MJ's back tomorrow...

I really like Della's Aunt V. She actually made me not grimace at the screen when Devon was on looking confused about who he should hate/preach about. It appears that this new development about Tyra's blood will open up some sort of romance with her and Devon, but that's just weird. It just reeks of Ridge/Bridget on B&B. I hope there's more to this than just a way to make a triangle between Tyra/Neil/Devon. And please don't let Malcolm be Devon's father like some people are guessing.

Nina seems to be on an island. She knows so many people yet she's only in the Chancellor orbit, which makes sense, but I want her to talk to Lauren, be shocked about her and Michael (Nina was on when for Demented Michael, not Saint Michael right?) It'd be cool if she had something to do with Paul, maybe give an update on Christine.

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OMG Malcolm as Devon's father? free-mad-smileys-121.gif

I'd like it if it were Tyra/Neil/Devon/Roxanne dammit.

And I don't think Tyra and Devon are nearly as weird as Tyra and Neil ever could be and ever were.

Besides, Devon is so damn dull. It'd be nice if he did something this OUTLANDISH!

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I hear you, Devon is as dull as dull can be (and so is the actor which is a big part ofthe problem). And it just upsets my stomache when relatives learn they're not blood-relatives and go screw each other. It's just gross to me.

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That has actually been fairly strongly rumored. Now that it has been established that Sharon "loses time", especially when under stress, and that she was stressed after her mother's paralysis (which would have happened shortly before her impregnation) it is no twist AT ALL for Sharon to have lost track of a twin. Especially because the babies were taken by a shady lawyer (Alice's boyfriend).

Malcolm is off canvas, and will remain so as long as Shemar has a non-daytime career. It won't be Devon.

Since people have been discussing skin color here, Devon is quite fair. It is therefore plausible that his father is white. I suspect they will go this route, making Devon officially biracial. Do we have any other officially biracial characters on daytime (beyond B&B's Marcus?).

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your last line made me laugh. The only thing in common between Donna and Marcus is plastic surgeons.

I think GL has bi-racial characters, Rick and Mel have kids I think.

I wish they'd make Det. Gil Devon's father. I met the guy who plays him and he's really as cool as he appears on the show. He's not a pot-stirrer though which is what the Winter's clan need. I really think they're bringing Yolonda back - she's SO needed.

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Yeah, OLTL has Rachel Gannon. Alan Spaulding's dad, on GL, had a biracial daughter named Victoria. ATWT's Jade is biracial, right? She's Rose's daughter.

Didn't Tom Hardy have a child with Simone on GH? Of course, didn't Edward Quartermaine have children with M... (name eludes me...Mary Mae??) on GH?

Passions of course had Vincent.

ON Days, didn't Mike Horton (Wesley Eure?) marry an African American woman (Valerie??). If yes, did they have kids?

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