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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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Can Devon just have a secret crush on Tyra, sneak in her room one night while she's asleep and have sex with her pretending to be Neil so that Neil can raise another whiny Valley Girl illegitimate daughter as his own and feel completely impotent as a result?

Also why is Neil the only male vet on this show with absolutely no children? Even Paul, goody goody that he is, has a handful. Why hasn't that been a major storyline in and of itself?

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WTH does Amber know about co-writing someone's autobiography, for that matter, or fashion design, or singing, or babysitting, or any of the 1001 other "professions" she's had since Bradley Bell first created her? For someone who is so clearly "special", that bottled-blonde tramp seems to be a jill-of-all-trades. I swear, Amber's almost like Rain Man, or something!

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Malcolm/Shemar: No, I isn't!

Drucilla/Victoria: Yes, you is!

M/S: No, I isn't!

D/V: Yes, you is! You is, too, s**tty! You stank!

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Ah. Intention and outcomes.

The seeds were there, unlike Cane's existence and the Jill/Katherine debacle. Even if Bill didn't want it to be true, it was open for interpretation and thus, completely possible. It's not like it was an immaculate conception.

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