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AMC: Thursday, May 7, 2009

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No, I say every second since this show is just so wonderful! :wub:

We might get a quarter of a page view for every thread, but by god it will be worth it!

Now, lets not go all Y&R here.... as for the actual show as I said in my thread I absolutely loved Erica talking to Mona in the chapel. Susan Lucci was amazing..... I got a little teary eyed actually. I was so happy to see Opal put her hand on Erica at the end and console her.... that was a really nice touch.

As for everything else, Jake and Amanda were fun.... but nothing really happened. The whole heart valve drama I have no interest in..... and Krystal sold her baby...... big shock.... I know we've had the debate before, but I bet it was for a coupon to all you can eat rib night at the local trailer park dive I am sure she frequented....

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I've been really enjoying AMC these days. Can we have a new thread after each commercial break?

There were several standout scenes for me today:

First off, as Adam said, Susan Lucci was excellent as Erica prayed to Mona for guidance and strength. I thought Alicia Minshew was really good later when Kendall & Ryan prayed for Ian, too.

JR's accusations against Adam were off, but I could see his point that Adam had bartered Little A when he wouldn't have done so with his own children. I loved the JR/Adam/Scott scenes after Dr. Chappell warned them about the device flaw. I really like how torn Scott seems and the comparison between his struggle and how sure JR was that they had to do what's right.

Krystal's tearful confession to Tad that she sold her daughter almost made me feel bad for her, but then I think about what she and the evil twin put Bianca through and I just can't care how much she suffers.

The light Jake/Amanda scenes were a welcome contrast to all the drama going on.

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Althea bought Skye to pass off as Adam's, during a time when Adam had been away on business long enough for Althea to believably have had a child by him without him knowing. Adam found this out when Skye was an adult and kept quiet about it.

Has anyone on the show mentioned that Adam either did or plotted to sell Krystal's Baby Jenny because he was bitter that she turned out not to be his daughter, Charlotte? It was VERY recent history, so I can't imagine he's been blackmailing Krystal over her selling her baby and not being called a hypocrite when Adam just tried to sell one of hers too.

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Erica rocked today

Well I guess now we know why Krystal had no problems standing by as Bianca and Babe's babies were switched and let Babe take a kid that wasnt hers. She can sell her own kid, then of course she'd have no shame keeping kids from other mothers

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I just can't get behind this whole Marissa thing at all. I hate stories like this...it's like the ultimate re-write. Krystal's been on the show for over five years and there was never, ever, any inclination whatsoever that Babe might have had a twin out there somewhere. I just feel that if Krystal knew that she had another daughter out there somewhere, we would have seen something over the last five years. Alas, I guess it's one of those things that we're supposed to suspend belief for.

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Calm down... the secret just came out of Krystal's mouth in this episode. Up until this point, only she and Adam knew about it. Of course she told Tad, so I totally doubt it won't be brought up. The only person who is not allowed to be reminded of the heinous crime he committed is Tad himself.

You act as if Adam and David get away without being reminded every single day of how horrible they are and each and every last thing they did to everyone in town. Sheesh! Give the secret a chance to get out before we start demanding Adam be called on his hypocrisy, because you know it will happen!

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