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I could definitely see Felicia being bitchy (even if we were supposed to see her as the sympathetic figure in this plot), but seeing that clip all I could think was that Cecile, around the same time, and made into a one-note villain in her return, made the comment about Charlie's heart condition that led Frankie to slug her. A "bad" character saying that and a "good" character saying the above just reinforces how amoral the whole canvas had become under JFP.

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Did you happen to read the We Love Soaps long interview with Pete Lemay? He talks about being in the room when Jill convinced those 3 actors that they wanted to do that story. Seemed that he thought she was pretty amazing in her ability to talk actors into stuff. He didn't know Jill ever killed anyone until later in the interview & he quite changed his tune. I think soap actors play the same old same old so much for years that when anyone comes along with Vive la difference, they are vulnerable to the charms of having something unusual to do. 

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Another World April 10 1987 : Proctor and Gamble : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The channel that had the December 1988 episode also had this, uploaded a month ago. I checked the April 1987 episodes Eddie Drueding uploaded to Youtube, as he also has April 10th up, and that episode would apparently be the day after this one. That means the episode I'm linking to is April 9th, presumably. I don't see it already available so I'm linking if you want to watch it (I was going to say "enjoy," but performances aside, I don't enjoy a great deal of this period).

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Good spot @Xanthe 

I know many can't play videos on Archive, but fortunately Eddie Drueding has uploaded the episode to Youtube. 

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The standout material is Zack's speech about Quinn and the murders (I wonder if we even see her funeral oncamera - I don't know if the 8th is around). I was glad to see Thomasina at least got a few words in her final episode. The decision to kill off Quinn will always feel like a stupid mistake to me - she would have fit right into the show all the way to the end. 

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I agree that AW should have kept Quinn around.  Thomasina, Carter, and Grant Jr could have returned to the show at some point.  Also, a Quinn/Marshall Kramer/Felicia triangle would have been more interesting than the Felicia/John/Sharlene triangle we saw.  There was plenty to do with the character of Quinn, the show just chose not to do it.

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That's all true. Hell, even a Quinn/John/Sharlene triangle would have made more sense - Quinn was chic and independent, but down-to-earth in a way John might have been drawn to (I don't believe he ever would have really wanted to be in Felicia's world).

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They were getting rid of most of the people who had been there for years, likely for budget and to chase youth. She was another casualty. I guess she died because they didn't consider her important enough to leave alive. I remember SOD replying to an angry fan latter after she was killed saying that AW actually did not realize the character had fans, which pretty much sums up the soap/P&G mentality (see Maureen Bauer).

Edited by DRW50
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Frankie Frame, too, when the focus group perspective was misapplied it could take someone not front burner at that moment who had been front burner for 3 full years before & misjudge that they weren't a popular valuable character! Jill used focus groups to decide about both Mo Bauer & Frankie. 

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Thanks for this. At the time I really resented the fact that Quinn was thrust into this brief romance with Zack only to be murdered. It didn't feel like the Edwardses were entitled to represent the grief of the Harding family but they were the only black family left. 

I know AW had a lot of turnover of characters and families generally when new headwriters came in, but even though the original Matthews family was pretty well wiped out at least they had little flare-ups now and again and even a representative in Josie right to the finale. Plus of course they were ultimately supplanted by the Cory family which had a strong presence throughout once they took root. However they kept obliterating black families and then starting from scratch over and over again. 

In the (justifiably) otherwise derided Jacker era, it was kind of exciting to have an assortment of black characters who weren't all in one family. After Henrietta and Roy disappeared we had only Quinn and Thomasina (and Lily, briefly) and they brought in Carter and Grant Todd as the only romantic options for them for a year or two. Then all of the Todds were written out and the Edwardses brought in. And after Quinn died they had a few Lawrences, and then they didn't really have a black family again until the Burrells I think. 

Thanks as well (and @Donna L. Bridges) for validating Peggy Pope for me. She was so memorable in 9 to 5 that I thought it must be her as soon as I saw her face and heard her voice.

It's so weird to be watching episodes with John telling Rachel he warned Jamie it was a bad idea to date Kelsey knowing that eventually John will marry her himself. 

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Well, not totally, no. She had a mandate to cut the size of the cast & make it younger. She started out to kill Donna & Tom Freeman found out & got Eddie & fans mobilized to campaign against it & it was one of those rare fan campaigns that prevailed. We saved Donna. But, then she had to find someone else "big" to kill & she ended up putting it to that focus group to decide between Frankie & Paulina. And, also by that time she needed salary to cover RKK, also. She probably would have killed her even if she hadn't needed money for RKK. She had a goal of cutting the size of the cast & she was a demon when she had a goal! I believe she cut 11 people & only hired on maybe 3 - RKK & Tito & Remy ... oh, and Sergei, so that's 4. I guess she only "netted" 7. 

@Xanthe   Hmm, without people of color till the Marshalls & the Burells, right? 

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