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ATWT: May Discussion

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As the summer gets nearer, I find myself getting less and less invested in the show again. I go through these cycles. I'm still watching it, but with one eye shut and probably dozing off. Like, I'll literally be thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch or what kind of laundry detergent I can get on sale this week while watching this trite.

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LOL, you guys! :lol: I just checked my last posts, and I hadn't realized that I haven't been posting on a regular basis for over a year! :o

I actually just stopped watching soaps all-together...real life took over...soaps got boring...and I don't even know how to tape shows on satellite. I've been catching ATWT, Days, and GL if I'm happen to be home (now that school is over). ATWT is still terrible overall, but I kinda started watching on a semi-regular basis when Damian & Luke had lunch and Damian was trying to have a father-son chat with Luke...the awkwardness of it all somewhat intrigued me...and I haven't even been much of a Luke fan ever since they SORASed him. I think that was the same episode where Damian basically told Lucinda to take a hike haha. So now, I'm catching all things Damian-related on YouTube.

Just a few notes...

-Lucy's been recast again?!

-I liked Dusty once upon a time (GM's version), but I am soo over him now.

-I also used to like Meg, but she sucks a-- now.

-I caught clips of the Holden/Carly affair on YouTube...I thought they were hot and for once, Holden became likeable for me...now, he is back to being one of the most annoying characters on the show.

-Lily & Damian need to hook up. Soo much history there and I'm sure those two still have the hots for each other. I'm not sure how you guys feel about Noelle Beck, but I actually like her. She comes off as less self-absorbed and childish than Martha Byrne's version. I like MB, but I liked her better when she was playing Rose. I've just never liked MB's holier-than-thou version of Lily.

-I'm neutral about the new Craig. Wish Scott Bryce was still in the role.

-I actually felt bad for Katie when she realized that Vienna was carrying Henry's baby...I might have felt otherwise had I been watching the show on a regular basis. Katie went from being my favourite character back when I started watching the show way back when...to being one of my least favourites.

-Ditto with Alison. Her and Casey as a couple is just weird. Not terrible. Just weird.


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I missed you. We had to go to monthly discussions as the ATWT posters died off.

At least you missed the two-week Maddie recast. She sucked. And she and Lucy made brief returns at Xmas---it was hard telling them apart if (okay, when) I wasn't paying attention.

Sacrificed to rehabilitate Craig. I was never a huge fan, but it sucks.

Ugh...don't get me started. The pairing reeked of desperation. And when he kept telling Lily he'd work on their marriage, then tell Carly he couldn't get her out of his mind (when she tried to push him away) and then crawled back into bed with Lily----he officially died for me.

I wish TIIC had just torpedoed Lily and Holden last fall. They had a perfect opportunity when they recast Lily.

Don't we all??

Katie hasn't done much since marrying Brad. I think we're supposed to feel bad for Katie, but she's barren because she couldn't wait for her body to heal after donating bone marrow to Johnny. She took fertility drugs and had an ectopic pregnancy. Hard to feel sorry for such an idiot, even if I'd had an ounce of like for the idiot.

On to today....

Hmmn...what to say about today??? Other than the fact tomorrow can't be worse???

Katie is a bloomin' idiot for thinking V's baby is "hers" because "if we hadn't wanted a child in the first place, V wouldn't have gotten pregnant." HONESTLY, it's childish reasoning like that that makes me hate her. One gets the impression Katie thinks that if she simply stomps her feet long enough while asking "please, please, please" until she's worn her victim down, she'll get whatever she wants. Four year olds shouldn't be raising babies, period.

*bangs head* More of the adventures of Luke---*eyeroll* Next on ATWT, SuperLuke vaults into action and makes the world safe from hair gel slicks. News at 11.

Seriously...can't someone tell Van his sideburns make him look way older than Luke's supposed to be??

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Watching NUKE today-- an old R&B song ---" Jim Dandy to the Rescue" popped into my head and now I can't get it out. :lol:

BTW: where are the docks susposed to be located??? Makes it had to believe that they are in JokeDale especially when the scenery is screaming NYC. :huh:

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Depends on the day. Somedays it's Oakdale. Somedays it's Bay City. The boat names didn't bother me. Ships from everywhere dock at docks and haul cargo back and forth. It's not like a sea of NY/NJ license plates running around Oakdale, IL.

Although if Carly's shipping that much vodka, she shouldn't be having money problems anymore. :D

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So of course Damian is evilllllll all along. So stupid. So stupid. So, so, so stupid. I hate this show.

Noah is a whipped fool, for real. Let's just pretend that I don't hate Nuke. Why is it that their last few stories have all included, somewhere along the way, Noah warning Luke to chill the eff out, with Luke rolling all over him and saying that he's gonna do what he wants to do? So lame. I hate it hate it hate this show. It makes me want to throw things, man.

Lucy, I don't care about you. Go away, please, and don't come back this time. ihatechu.

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Because Luke's a slightly less butch version of Lily??? (Oh, if only he had a sister taken hostage in a third world country so he could go off and prove himself....) Ugh...how could both Lily and Holden be so stupid to think their always right, morally crusading son wouldn't immediately ditch Noah after escorting him to work?

Luke is Farrah, Noah is Sabrina, and I think that leaves Casey as the slightly dimwitted, but always shaking his assets Kelly.

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