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Y&R- Zapato and Summer nowhere to be seen :(

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I miss seeing them, Zapato and Fisher are such a sweetheart! its lovely seeing a pet on a soap also Summer is always with that baby sitter why wont they show scenes of her? i loved it when Abby was a little girl and we saw alot of her acting. Summer can become the new little Abby she can interact with her big brother Daniel! =( how long do i have to wait to see energetic scenes like this?

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Everyone adored Darcy Rose as Abby i dont see any problem with Summer or other future babies growing up and being little kids if they are good actress. The problem with Summer is that she is given very little material to work with and im being serious here, people also loved Cassie when she was a little girl. So i dont think its ridiculous for them to get some screentime. You can still have good storylines with kids on soaps too.

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Abby and Cassie weren't 4 when they had a lot of scenes to do. Why should they give someone that is 4 a major storyline? Have you heard of child labour laws?

They can give them throwaway scenes here and there, but I do not want to watch any storylines revolving around someone 4 or even 10.

Most of Cassie's storylines tied into Nick and Sharon's, so it wasn't like she became a lead actress on the show.

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Darcy Rose was 5 when she came to Y&R this new Summer looks like she is about 4-5yrs old, so she is old enough to get scenes that Abby did when she was her age. We dont even see Summer anywhere? i mean why wasn't she at Noah's birthday Party? she doesnt comen to any special events, Victor doesnt even spend time with his own grandchildren i mean come on it does show realism, she is always upstairs with the babysitter.

Im not saying for Summer to be a leading actress. Abby has grown up now. So summer could be the next Cassie, she could be included with Phyllis, Sharon, Nick, Jack there is lots of ways of her getting screentime. Either way i want to see Summer on screen and do a little more then just nodd and act like a statue.

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Darcy Rose Byrnes could actually string together numerous sentences at age 5, the girl playing Summer can barely say one cute line before she gets distracted. She serves her purpose by being cute, but since the focus is on her parents and not her, I don't see why Summer should be on all the time with them.

And what exactly did Abby do other than say something cute, smile, nod her head and leave the room?

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Ok maybe Summer doesnt speak that much but they can recast her maybe make her about 6yrs old and then we can see her talk more. I agree the little actress who plays Summer whilst looks cute does nothing because she is so afraid on being on set and its actually unfair to her.

Darcy seemed very confident when she was delivering her lines, she was energetic although she wasnt involved in any particular storyline i think she still had quite alot of lines. She interacted with everyone in the past i.e Brad, Ashley, Victor, Noah, Colleen, Victoria, Nikki, Jack. Thats alot for a kid and it even looked like she had good chemistry with everyone.

If only Summer could do that too, just recast her and get an actress that is as confident as Abby and Cassie were and people will warm up to her character. The reason people find her boring is because she is nowhere to be seen and doesnt do anything.

Some people are still mourning the loss of Cassie, little Abby on other forums so it shows that they were characters to be noticed for even though they were just kids at the time.

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Y&R could always do a story where Summer gets attacked by a rabid Zapato.

Or better yet, save Zapato's rabies for Lily and Colleen.


And while we're at it, let's bring back Lorie Brooks, Vanessa Prentiss, and all of Jill's brothers and sisters. Let's see if we can get David Hasselhoff back to play Snapper.

More Brooks and Fosters.

And let's bring back John McCook as Lance Prentiss. Maybe Eric and Lance are the same person?





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