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ATWT: Week of January 12, 2009

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I totally agree with you here, Mark. The thing is, if any. other. show. had done this couple, it would have been much, much, much better. It's not to say that all of ATWT's couples suck (Aaron/Alison, helloooo! love them!), but it's definitely to say that ATWT has no clue how to write a proper storyline that has a beginning, middle, and end, that leads into something else, which leads into something else.

I see what you're saying, and I do hope that another soap decides to go that route soon (and I hope that none of the HWs or EPs think that Nuke have some kind of monopoly on the young gay adult storyline, and that any more at this time would be overkill -- definitely not true). But that's the thing, another soap will come along and do a similar story SO MUCH BETTER than Nuke ever was written, yet Nuke will get all the praise for being "the first" and all that. And I feel that they don't really deserve that because, despite the opposition from P&G, how much work could have really went into having Noah and Luke get together and start kissing and hugging and now the sex thing? The ends of the whole thing are good. We have all of the things that you checked off, and it's nice to see those things in daytime (and I make sure to put "in daytime" because all the things Noah and Luke are doing are so beyond the realm of "old news" when compared to shows like QAF and "Skins"), but there were no means that those ends came from. They forgot that this is daytime and that they had more than enough time to properly show the entire life of this relationship. And my bitching about this insta-couple wouldn't even be so passionate if there weren't people who were making ATWT believe that they did that, that took advantage of what daytime has that no other form of entertainment has. ATWT didn't do that, though, they didn't. And I hate that they believe that they did.

BTW, Luke's full first name is Luciano, not Lucas.

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I thought the scenes were well done for what they were. As to the sex happening offscreen it is just come to be pretty much accepted in this day and age of soaps. Soaps just don't do sex scenes like they once did.

Just look at Nick's first time last year on Days. It was all offscreen and then even his first time with Chelsea the scene faded out as they went to teh bedroom and then came back and the sex was all over.

And those teens on Days last year - they had a lot of sex in Bo & Hopes house but all you ever saw was the shirtless scenes afterward - not much kissing or anything.

All of a daytime is a mess in that sense. We have 2 sex scenes really in the last year that have pushed any boundaries and that was Antonio/Talia on OLTL and EJ/Sami on Days. The rest have been bland and lifeless for the most part.

Gone are the days of pushing the envelope as AW did with Robin Christopher/John Bolger in the bathtub where both were very naked and even Bolger's ass was shown. Or the scene where Greg Nelson (Laurence Lau) was in bed with another woman on AMC after his wife died and you actually saw him humping under the covers and calling out Jenny's name. Or even on ATWT when Mike was in the shower having sex and you saw his ass through the shower doors.

Now I agree that just because all of soaps are doing that it shouldn't excuse this one. But daytime is just scared these days and has no balls to push anything anymore. Plus I have heard that budgets have cut some of the love scenes too as one guy interviewed said that they cut one love scene on Days because it meant setting up another set and there was no money for that.

I think every body put it into words what is wrong with Nuke. So I won't go there. I am just proud that they finally let them have a sex life. And hopefully if there is not a lot of outrage maybe next time they will push the envelope farther.

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The writing and acting were good enough today. I could understand why Luke and Noah got there from where they were last Thursday (Lucinda and others laying the groundwork by pointing out to Noah that if he loves Luke, he shouldn't worry so much about who is to "blame" and seize the moment when he can -- life is not "fair" in assigning "fault" -- and then it coming to a head once Luke challenged Noah to stop making excuses). The writing and acting were also effective at taking me on the same ride as Luke in terms of how first, resigned, and then elated, he was through the course of the episode.

I am still processing how proud I am of today's episode as a "landmark" too. It's nothing to sneeze at. If it's so easy for other shows to do, why haven't other shows done it?

I also loved Casey, Jade, and Lucinda's role in today's episode.

I liked that we saw Tom. Not only that, but we saw him talk to Casey as a father as well as be a lawyer to Meg, and we saw Allison talk to Dusty as well as see her talk to Casey and Jade -- some cross-population of storylines today like soaps should do but ATWT sometimes doesn't.

Now, something that really *didn't* make sense to me though was why Allison would walk out on Casey and Jade, and not ask Casey to go to the concert with her like she planned. Casey and Jade were just excited about Noah and Luke, and that should have been obvious to Allison. It's not like either Casey or Jade was excluding Allison -- Casey even invited her to join them at the table, and Jade wasn't giving off any chilly vibes.

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I know that is right about there was no immune when it came to sex on Passions. Heck even Precious and Luis would have done if it weren't for the ilegal bestiality laws here in the US.

At least the Nuke fans their fav couple have some meatier material compared to Chadcent . I wished Chad and Vincent had some simple romance dialogue but basically it was Vincent said 'Chad I know that you have feelings for me. Just be honest with yourself.' and then Chad said, 'I am not gay. Its only sex and I never want to have sex with you again.' and before you know it they just have sex and then afterwards back to their same tired argument. JER had potential with this couple but noooooo he had chosen shock value and incest over some good fashioned storytelling of a two gay couple.

I watched a few clips of Luke and Noah and they just basically boring. Heck I get better entertainment with masturbating.

Oh yeah I remember when Vicki cut off Julian's penis off.

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Soapsuds, those crazy folks over at the VH board started a topic about naming another gay love scene on network tv that has been hotter than Nuke's. Of course, yesterdays "love" scene on ATWT is the hottest of all time. LOL. Delusional much?

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