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Y&R: Gloria Spoiler

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I think the aftermath will be the best part. I can't wait to see Jack and Ashley's reactions. I want Ashley to physically attack that bitch.

I don't think they're getting rid of Judith, but they may try to redeem her in time, just to make her apart of the canvas. However, I doubt Jack and Ashley will ever let this go.

Also, Jill should be extra pissed, as well as Katherine when she comes back.

The good thing about this reveal that it ties together many different characters.

Best part of this is Jack can finally return to Jabot legally.

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Well, I was basically fine with no resolution here, because Gloria didn't mean to hurt anyone, and that woman who died likely died of other reasons, or at least she was already sick and the face cream was the final straw.

In the last few weeks, though, I have so disliked the way she has been behaving, this seemed necessary.

We saw Phyllis the whole time she was in prison. I suspect we'll have Glo in jail for 6 months or less (Michael's magic), and she'll be on camera 1-2 days a week during that.

With River free, I think the real arc will be to help River help her heal, and rediscover the sweet, loving, more innocent Gloria from back in the day. Redemption arc for sure.

I will be very interested to see how Ashley handles this. I would like the new Ashley to be "bigger than most", and to remain controlled. On the other hand, Abby was harmed. Jabot was harmed. So, yes, I see Gloria getting some whoop-ass.

I wonder about this whole stock thing. I hadn't thought about this good point that Jack might be able to go back to Jabot legally. Will he be able to with Ash in the catbird seat?

I wonder if they will still all be bound in this confederacy of thieves, and so--even though they hate each other--they still all have to work together.

Jeff is just the vilest and most disgusting creature on daytime. I hope this story marks his departure from the show. Shackleford is great, but Jeff is intolerable.

But now, finally, all of us (including Gloria) get to move on from the cream. Hallelujah.

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Can someone please explain to me how this matters? I started watching Y&R under the Lynn Marie Latham regime (I know, I know), so I was late to the party with this face cream debacle. Just because this tainted cream is found, how does it prove that Gloria tainted it?

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Thank you - I get that she made her confession and the police overheard it. I should have clarified that I was referring to Jeff blackmailing her all of this time, however. I mean, what proof was there for her to be blackmailed/concerned? It never made sense to me, so I must have missed something.

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Jeff's bother William left behind the skin cream samples that Gloria tainted, when he died. He wanted Jeff to turn Gloria into the authorities, but Jeff didn't until now. Jeff had the evidence all this time and is now using it against Gloria. That sample, in addition to Gloria's confession gets her arrested.

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