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CBS Airing Classic Y&R Episodes Next Week!

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I have NEVER seen that name used on a H&A board. The vast majority of H&A viewers who were watching at the time loved Sursok and miss her.

Again, the vast majority of H&A viewers would diagree with you.

And if she is "inept", why does she keep landing outside roles?

1. I have NEVER seen her look at the camera - I don't know where anyone got that from.

2. Her accent needs fine-tuning but it is MUCH more American than it is Australian. Her she is talking in her real accent - with all due respect, if you think she sounds like that on Y&R, you need your ears checked.

And how about when Leon whispered and mumbled almost to the point of inaudibility? Or the way she constantly had to brush her enormous fringe out of her face? Leon definitely takes the cake where annoying mannerisms are concerned.

I've said this to you before on numerous occasions and I'll say it again: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF.

Absolutely - back then the writers new what the viewers wanted: a bratty, overweight schoolgirl getting felt up by her teacher. *sigh* LML should be burnt at the stake for ruining that!

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I'm sorry for even commenting on y&r fan's overzealous posts, who clearly cannot refrain from defending Tammin as if her life depended on it (when no one else on this board even cares that she's that bad or hates her as much as y&r fan loves her). I kinda drove the bus into the ditch, didn't I? I'll take it to pms next time.

Anyway, this classic episode wasn't as good as it would've been if the current writing team had done it.

Why the hell is Victor asking all these questions about Brad's childhood? I mean, he hates the guy. I would've seen Victor ask more specific questions than that, especially questions later on his life about how he became successful etc. etc. Why does it matter that his favorite sport was baseball? Sure, in the general plot, where it was hinted at that the mysterious person in the picture of the baseball team was Brad, then that information is significant. But not in a conversation with Victor, Nikki, and others. That was not cleverly posited into the script at all. In fact, when Jana asked about the specifics of the crime scene, that was more realistic because we all know how Jana was into serial killers and all that gore back then. They shoudl've used that formula. Jesus Christ.

I also didn't see why Phyllis was so melodramatic in the elevator. She'd die if she didn't get to the hospital? Are you serious? Wasn't her pregnancy a healthy, smooth-going one? Why is she all on the "If you have to kill me to take her, then do it" tip? Lame.

Also, the flashback to when Sharon and Brad were about to get naughty, when Sharon, of all the desperate housewives in the history of soap, asks Brad if he's sure? Then in the current episode, Brad sits at the window to stay away from Sharon to keep his vows to Victoria? So out of character.

It was kinda sweet how Korbel compared Adrienne to that hot statue LOL. But rewatching that scene with Victoria and JT waiting and wondering about their significant others, it definitely lacked a lot of the suspense and betrayal it should've had. This is probably because neither Victoria nor JT belonged to the people they were with. Korbel and Andrienne seemed right from the beginning, as did Brad and Sharon.

It was nice to see Victor and Nikki happy.

It was nice to see Rowell on the screen for the 5 seconds she was on.

Putting Daniel in an accident held no purpose. Was it supposed to bring Nick and Daniel together? Was it supposed to bring Lily and Daniel together? Was it karma for Cassie's accident? Nope. It was none of those. Because LML didn't follow through or set up this accident which completely came from left field. The whole time I sat rewatching those scenes, I was thinking, "When will this be over? We all know Daniel will be fine. He's a core character. And Christel's voice is even more annoying when she's worried about her damn husband. Stop the shrillness."

I couldn't even finish the episode.

Glad the reign of terror is over.

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Well, we have very different takes...but you make some excellent, excellent points.

I am sure! But remember, lots of the current writers (Cwikly, Minardi Slater, Esser, even Hamner) were there. Alden too. So, the blame you place probably lies with Dufour. I mean, the same people were editing and breakdowning. Latham wouldn't be responsible for these little things you're commenting on. So it has to be Dufour, coupled with a certain powerlessness rendered unto Alden/Esser/Slater, etc.

I didn't have that reaction. I read it as cagey Victor trying to gently get what he needed out of Rebecca. Remembering that everyone at the table was playing games, after being thrown together due to the bad storm, that helped me to buy it.

Think about Phyllis, a few weeks ago, trashing her home because she saw Nick and Sharon. When Phyllis gets upset, she wigs out. That is a "throughline" all the way from her days trying to hold on to her marriage to Danny and her constant insane confiding in "Joanie".

In this case, I read the desperation out of several sources. First, with Jack there, she was reminded about how her LAST pregnancy ended. She was never supposed to be able to get pregnant again. So, there was that. Couple that with her DESPERATION that this pregnancy be successful. Even then, she knew it was an important part of getting and keeping Nick. In the end, desperation and constant fear of loss is what always drives Phyllis. I had no problem with any of that.

Why out of character? Historically, Brad was actually pretty decent. Marrying Ashley to give her child a name, and because he loved her. Brad always had a concealing/deceptive side, but he was fundamentally decent. I never saw him take a TRUE dark turn until he tried to hook David Chow back on gambling. So, I felt that Sharon and Brad trying to keep their distance was consistent with their fundamental decency.

I saw this differently. I thought JT and Victoria had nice and suprising chemistry in the bar. (Had they already slept with each other? I remember one early incident...but forget the timing). And while I found myself much preferring this Colleen, I was reminded of two things (a) I NEVER liked Korbel. Even here, he came across as whiny, milquetoast, a user. I did not buy his chemistry with Leon; and (B) Colleen WAS a wild child bad-girl. She was that way with Lyndsy Fonseca (drug use in New York, before she sweetened up) and with Leon (cheating on JT, hot for her professor--also, her nasty baiting of Kevin).

It is interesting to me how surprised some of us were when Colleen recently turned "bad", aggressively pursuing Daniel and rubbing Amber's face in it. That is actually not UNTRUE of her history. It's just that we have lost track of who Colleen really is, and therefore we don't really understand any of her motivations.


Well, here is what I ended up thinking: (a) It was meant to keep Nick apart from Phyllis...because the plot point they wanted was for Jack and Phyllis to be alone together and birth that baby together. I'm thinking that is because Latham planned for Jack to be the daddy, although I will be very upset if it is ever revealed that Nick faked those test results. His integrity means a lot to me. (B) It was meant to give Phyllis double-jeopardy: Both kids in peril. That WAS a plot-driven ramp-up of tension. © I do recall, when these episodes were over, that I did end up feeling "poor Phyllis" and "poor Nick"...so I think it was a ploy to build sympathy for Latham's premiere couple. (d) Honestly, given what we've heard about "political correctness", I think it was also written so that they could deliver a public service announcement about how to do CPR. I honestly believe that was one of the points.

In the end, though, I think the key point was for JACK to be with Phyllis when Summer was birthed. And that is a plot point that--even now--could turn into something.

Me too...but this episode truly wasn't the worst exemplar.

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Thanks LOL.

I did wonder if the breakdowns were similar and now that you pointed out that they are, I still think that if Latham has been notorious for wanting to control just about everything on this show when she came on, I don't doubt how the breakdowns were handled was one of them. I mean, if the bulk of the breakdowns are the same and we don't get this lame plot-driven dialogue, then what else would explain it?

Yeah, when do you ever see Victor as cagey and gently getting what he needs out of anyone LOL. Definitely not handled well.

OK, she could be melodramatic because there was a time when she was sure she'd never be able to conceive but not to the point of, "I'm gonna die in this elevator?" That was just sloppy to me and uncalled for. Personally, I'd would've had her being overly concerned about her daughter's health. Jesus LOL.

I guess. It rubbed me the wrong way, nonetheless.

There's a difference between being wild and being slutty. She's so slutty now. :( Colleen being all trampula with Daniel was out of character. The writers didn't even set them up correctly; that's why all of her actions are so juvenile. Still, she wasn't the spiteful kind throughout the first two versions of her. Her fights with Amber are just lame now.

A. I would've liked it if Nick was stuck in traffic in the storm but eventually tried everything he could to get to Phyllis in the elevator. Helping Daniel in his accident really didn't have the same suspense. Also, I like Nick's integrity as well but he did cheat on Sharon with Grace and with Phyllis. If he lied about his daughter, that would undoubtedly degrade him a few notches but it would make for one hell of a sweeps story LOL.

You're right. It's far and away better than most or all the episodes last year. But I could see the cracks beginning to widen at this time and I'm thankful they're beginning to close up this Fall.

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I think another reason Phyllis was so nutso in the elevator was because she and Nick had just found out the baby was in the breech position and from all I've read it's a difficult delivery when that is the case. Both mine came out in the correct position so I have no firsthand knowledge of that though.

I didn't re-watch the episode, but it wasn't the worst Latham episode by far. It was suspenseful and interesting for the most part. Even though I agree that the Nick saving Daniel part was unnecessary, it gave us a chance to see Joshua without his hair all slicked back under 5 lbs of whatever crap it is they put in his hair. So I was happy. :lol:

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Yeah, that's why I took it to pms. <sigh>

Oh Becki, I just always wanted to say something but never had to chance to before now...

I love Joshua Morrow too. Like, even as an actor LOL. But when he cut his hair a few months ago, I was so pleased. I don't know why the hair people feel the need to constantly slick it back into whatever mess they put in it. It's so damn gross looking.

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Yeah, he has this gorgeous head of hair and that....goop...they slather on it bugs the hell out of me. The slick backed look went out in the 70's didn't it? With Brylcream amd Dipitty Doo? LOL....I think he looks so much better with it more natural. Heck I never thought I'd say this but I'm almost ready for him to buzz cut it again, just so they wouldn't need that crap.

Oh and your avatar is mesmerizing me. Dang he's gorgeous!

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Brad was never decent when it came to marital fidelity. He cheated on every wife he ever had since coming to Genoa City other than Cassandra (who he never really wanted to be married to in the first place and wasn't married to for very long). He had affairs with Lauren during both marriages to Traci. He slept with Olivia while married to Ashley. So his being able to "compartmentalize" his feelings (Don Diamont's words) by being able to lust after Sharon while being married to Victoria was par for the course. And while he didn't show any signs of cheating in his short marriage to Cassandra, he did show signs of another less than decent trait, greed, when coming out of that marriage. Brad didn't want any part of the marriage to Cassandra (who actually rigged the marriage by drugging him) and was real quick to get out of it. But when a freak twist of fate made it that so that he was legally still married to her at the time of her death, Brad was all of a sudden real quick to take ownership of the billion dollar estate of a wife he wanted nothing to do with.

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Daniel, JT, Nick, Michael, Kevin, Brad, Paul, Billy, Cane.

Instead of "shirts vs. skins", it was "skins vs. skins". Don't let the odd number worry you. Michael B. was the ref.

It worked, even in a Wisconsin November!

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