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AMC: Wednesday 11/12

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How many days will Aggie be on? Just today certainly won't feel like enough.

Aggie to Joe: You look familiar.

Joe was probably thinking, No, YOU look familiar... kinda like Agnes Eckhardt who brought me to this nutty town. :P

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This is the first episode I've watched in months only because I knew my beloved Jerica were on and they didn't disappoint :wub: Loved how Erica dismissed Adam and told him to go find his loved one's to be with and she and Jack went to Zach/Kendall's house :lol: I think a tri may develop at some point and if it does that's when I'll be back.

Loved seeing a milestone episode focused on Erica, Jack, The Martin's, and Adam. Glad to see Ryan and his gang missing :lol: I wish Palmer could have been there and I hope he's okay.

MEK is looking HOT, HOT, HOT :wub:

Spare me all the "Babe is a Saint" crapola. Is this what it's been like all these weeks? Glad I missed it.

Still see David is using sex to get women and using them. Was Amanda drugged or drunk? That's usually when he preys on them. Some things never do change do they? <_<

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Indeed! So sweetly done.

How very in the spirit of Agnes' show--to have Erica's circle of family include Bianca, her lesbian fiance and their children along with Kendall's family and Uncle Jack. This lesbian woman thanks AMC and ABCD for such visibility in a classic touching AMC moment.

Congratulations to AMC's 10,000th.

On a shallow note, I love this David and Amanda thang and I wasn't sold on the idea originally. Looks like fun and finally some direction of Amanda, a legacy character.

TK did a really really nice job today.

And I concur to whomever said above, thanks to the Soap Gods for leaving Ryan and his attendant flying monkey madness gone for today.

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Great episode! :) Agnes is fantastic

I have to say, I'm surprised they didn't at least have Kendall appear in a dream to Zach, since she attended the party for the episode. That surprised me.

I understand why they left out Ryan and co., since they aren't in Pine Valley and their storyline is really separate. But I loved not seeing them! :)

Yay for Ruth and Opal! I'm bummed and worried about the lack of Palmer.

As for the voiceover at the end, I LOVED who they picked to say it, but felt Jack should have had a verse. He's been on longer than Darnell, though I know the show values him least of all the veterans. He's in the opening for what, a second, and Darnell gets two clips? :rolleyes:

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Admittedly, I'm a little biased b/c I've never really cared for Jack, but I think Darnell is more representative of Agnes Nixon's All My Children. I think those who spoke were probably the best choices (based upon who's still on the show) in terms of AMC's heart through the decades. But I was getting chills and was totally prepared for Erica to read the whole thing. Joe, Edmund (!?), and Bianca have had that distinction.

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