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OLTL: Week of September 15, 2008

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So do I. I think if Brody became likable it's because he thought cutting off his past and making a whole new life for himself with Gigi and Shane would make him feel "normal" again. We saw him try so hard to win them over that you couldn’t help but feel for him. The problem with that is he was doing it for the wrong reasons. If you want to better yourself it should be for you and not so that you can forget your past and win someone over. Unfortunately, Brody has always displayed an unhealthy possessiveness where Gigi and Shane are concerned. The difference now is he feels threatened again and his cracks are starting to show again. Another example of how much psychology is put into RC’s storylines

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rhinohide, here are the steps:

1. Copy/paste the embedded link from youtube

2. paste it here after clicking "add reply"

3. where it says "HTML OFF" choose "HTML ON - auto linebreak mode"

4. click "add reply"

Try that. ;)

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Why would he go to John who he's refused to exchange two words with since the beginnign and he knows is a "jealous ex boyfriend"?

I think the hard drinking side of Brody shoulda played a slight more part in the new sympathetic one--the balance is off, is all.

Rhino you have to copy the full "embed" link--not all links have it

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LOL don't feel bad I can't embed a code either

As for Friday's episode I am going to keep it short and sweet because I got off work a while ago and I am tired.


Great EPISODE with some good cliffhangers to keep me tuning in Monday.

See you then.

Goodnight :)

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More like disinterested. Finding Cristian and figuring out who the mystery woman is interests him a lot more. They couldn't write him to go to Bo because that would accelerate the pace since Bo is characterized as someone actually cares enough to suggest action. The only thing that I got from that scene was Jared being able to pass information along about Carlo Hesser.

I like most of the storylines....not necessarily how they're executed. The Tess revenge one isn't something they should drag, at least not this aspect of it. Tess is a character that can easily wear thin and it's easy to fall into excessive with her.

SH and TSJ work well together but their s/l is too disgusting for me to justify their interaction. They've already crossed one line too many and the writing is not deep enough to justify it either. I did like the John/Marty dream connection.

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