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ATWT: Week of August 11, 2008

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The show went back to normal and the insane coupling.

I cant wait for

So that Emily and Casey can end. I just cant stand Casey anymore in this story. He needs a reality check.

I am also getting a bit tired of Lily's bitching. Not that she doesnt have reason to be that way. But Martha Byrnes Lily wouldnt act that way with Holden. She would have done anything to save her marriage to wimp bag Holden.

Today's writer was Peter Brash, PJ. I am glad at least we got to see Lily and Holden visit Aaron at the hospital. I thought they would just gloss over it.

Mike the bimbo...lol. Finally, some of Mike shirtless. It was about time!

I am sick of seeing Neal. It should be Jack having lunch with Carly. Just a friendly lunch and then Holden can get angry and jealous. CarHo has to end soon. I dont know how much more of Holden I can take in this story. Seriously, why did Carly go see Holden?...ugh...that was a dumb move on her part.

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Oh, I don't think Em and Casey are ending. That bumper shot convinces me TIIC are happy with the pair.

I thrilled Lily is standing up to Holden. I wish Lily had been written as stronger than she was all along. It always seems a little odd to me that a daughter of Lucinda's would be so wussy. Yea, I know she's Iva's daughter, but Lucinda raised her. I kind of go huh? every time Lily acts as if Carly has some mystical hold over men, and all insecure about her looks. As if every man in town hasn't fallen at Lily's feet over the years.

I don't think Holden would get jealous and angry over Carjack having lunch. He should, but that's another think TIIC apparently aren't going to deal with...I'm still waiting for some kind of Jack/Holden blow up. Holden thinks enough has gone down between them to ever get back together. He thinks Carly's "moved on" since being hurt by Jack. Neal is a guy with a completely clean slate with Carly, therefore he is an immediate threat.

It was definitely a dumb move to go to his hotel room...but I think it came from a sense of lonliness and guilt. A guilt Holden never seems to have around her, I might add. The bastard.

Oh...by the way, did you catch the preview at astheworldturns.net? It'll do your Carjack heart good....:D


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Hmm...thanks for the link PJ. It looked good. But I see comments about where Holden is at because they dont like Jack. :rolleyes: Holden and Carly are wrong for so many reasons. I will be cheering when Holden is left out in the cold for good.

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Is your marriage failing? Do you want to make your current husband jealous? Are you just looking for a quick roll-in-the-hay before something more permanent comes along? Call Mike Kasnoff. The preferred rebound guy of Carly, Katie, and Lily. (I guess that at this point, Mike just takes what he can get).

I think that the only reason I can stomach Holden/Carly is because in my mind, it's not really happening. "No," I tell myself, "that's not Holden and Carly frenching on a hotel bed, they're Goutman's robots."

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Jack actually reacts to his ex-wife/mother of his kids/"true love's" affair with his cousin!

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Hey to all the ATWT viewers who saw a quick recovery to all those affected last week. What a joke this story has been but whatever most of the cast was in it and I loved that part. That was about it when it came to that storyline.

Once again Chris is Super Chris who needs no back up to take down Decker. That was so stupid when the SWAT guys just stood there with their weapons and Super Chris with no weapon just beat Rick right up. But of course the world of ATWT is finally right now that Super Chris solved the day. Yuck!

How dare Holden and Carly once again ripe on Lily. Both Carly and Holden think that Lily should just get over it. How do you ever get over the fact you were fighting for your marriage, bending over backwards to have your husband want you again, only to have him lie to you and sleep with your best friend. On top of your best friend helping you win back your husband when she, your best friend is dreaming of being in your husband's bed.

And another thing, Holden has always talked down to Lily. Lily is never correct or right in his eyes. She is always wrong and I'm sick of that happening. I hope Lily and Mike go all the way. They both need some lovin plus neither have someone waiting for them at home like Holden did every night. How can ATWT sell this to its viewers. This is trash in progress.

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Yeah...me too. I don't get the Holden praise either. He's cheated on Lily, and then compounded the problem by cheating on Carly with Lily. Women are not the "all you can eat buffet" at Ponderosa. I don't see how anyone could want Carly to settle for a man who can't decide what he wants. He's not in love with Carly. His attitude is "hey, we did the crime, let's at least enjoy doing the time." :eyeroll:

*snort* I think I just peed in my pants. I think Mike's very adept at nailing whatever stops moving. :D

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I can't believe I'm saying this---but watching Lily and Holden fight was actually fun with a capital F. I floved the digs between the two. Holden nailing her on exposing the kids to Mike (after Faith clearly knew what was going on) and Lily hitting him between the eyes with her new stud...SOAPY GOODNESS. :P

Be still my beating heart...*swoon*.....watching Mikey and Maura work that Carjack magic is just good for my soul. OMG....even though I knew Carly hadn't stopped loving Jack, it was so good to see it written all over her face today. And that is the Jack I love...the one who knows exactly what to say to make Carly feel better. And the cherry on my sundae....

Suddenly, I'm all warm and gushy about my soap again....it feels good!!!

Even the Bonnie/Henry scenes were light and fun. Buh-bye Vienna.

Whoever this Gordon Rayfield is....he is love to me today!

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Read PJ post below. :lol:;) She seemed to have liked today's show. The show was ok for me. It was nice to see JJ today. I usually cant stand the character. I am kind of liking him more than Parker these days. There wasnt much drama. The highlights were Lily and Holden sticking it to each other. That was good. I have enjoyed it. Carly and Jack coming together and being more civil to each other. And the Snyder drama of Emma losing her farm. The script was fine. Its too early to tell how good he will fit at ATWT.

Glad you liked the show PJ. I wrote my review on mike's question. Gordon Rayfield is a former script writer for OLTL and AMC. He took over the writing spot left by Richard Culliton.

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