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ATWT: Week of August 11, 2008

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgPjKiUHRbA&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

It should be an action packed week starting tomorrow. I cant wait! :)

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I'm sure someone liked today's eppy.


Not me...but someone....

Me...I couldn't get over why the hospital was suddenly quarantined, when they know specific gifts were sent to specific people. Unless there's rampant exchanging of bodily fluids in deserted rooms, the general populace would seem to be safe.

Aaach...poor Agim. Stuck crawling through vents for no particular reason.

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I loved the show. A lot of vets on from Susan to Bob. It focused on one story but I didnt mind it. Tommorrow looks good as well with only the poison story featured. Cant wait to hear PJ opinion on today's show. :)

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I had a feeling you hated PJ. ;) Read my post...lol Yeah, the quarantine didnt make sense. Of course there was a mad man around. They could have used that excuse for not letting anyone in the hospital. I did enjoy the outdoor scenes of the hospital. And Super/Spider Aaron....lol

I think he was trying to get in the hospital without being seen.

But why were the stairways in the hospital so dark? :huh:

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The saving grace of this poisoning story has been the inclusion of the vets. I have a lot of problems caring whether nuChris, nuAlison, nuCasey and Emily (who after more than fifteen years doesn't seem like realEmily to me) live or die. I hated the Decker story, so bringing him back for another encore grates on my nerves.

I guess I'm just annoyed that all this Alias-type action bookends a story that doesn't even seem like it was plotted. I can envision it being scribbled out on the back of some napkins at a long, five martini lunch between Goutman, John James and Pissy. I mean, it's bad when you have actual recapping going on during the supposed climax of the story. Didn't they just cover that history when Decker showed up out of the blue to analyze Sophester's murder?

Em and Casey are in the same bed because Casey will become violent if not coddled by mommy Emily. God...the way it was going, I was afraid poor Tom was going to have to excuse himself so Casey could go at Em in a delirious stupor. ICK.

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Goutman with napkin in hand

Goutman: Ok Pissy you go first

Pissy: Ha....I am an O

Goutman: I'll be the X's.

James: Can we get on with this instead of you both playing tic tac doe? :lol:

Yeah that was digusting. I have a feeeling Tom and Margo would rather be strangling Emiloon. Not even Kim gave her kiddo speech to Em and Casey.

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I believe the vets are making this story a whole lot more enjoyable for me. It was great to see Kim, Bob, Emily, Barbara, Susan, Tom and even a little on Emma included. The NUChris is really starting to grow on me. Tuesday's show looks good, atleast from the previews. Hopefully we will see some type of payoff in next week's ratings.

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I agree that the vets are wonderful to see in this rather stupid storyline.

I actually liked the recap on why, who got what, from Decker since it felt like they wanted to explain to the viewers this is why we picked these people in this storyline. It was a connect the dots so that it makes sense. Thats alot more then GH would ever do because they don't know how to connect the dots to their stories.

The only part I fastforwarded through was the Emily and Casey stuff. There even trash when they might die. I thought Tom should have had his heart attack having to sit in that room. I know I would fake one to get out of there.

And then there was Aaron like a super spy trying to find a way into the hospital. That was so laughable. I was waiting for the mission:impossible music to start playing in the background. I thought for sure Aaron was going to accidentally become the hero and save them all. But I of course he couldn't, jerk off Chris has to save the day. What is up with jerks like Chris becoming heros.

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