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The Brett Farve Drama


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I feel so bad for GB fans. This is like their hero, their football God. What a mess!

I think he should head to Tampa instead of NY. TB has the West Coast offence and the team is better than the Jets.

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Yup, the GB fans were booing the new QB during practice and during the scrimmage game. Kids were telling him he sucked. :lol: They want Farve back. But it is reported the Favre left on his own. He couldn't play for people he thinks betrayed him. Favre should have just stayed retired instead of causing all this upheaval.

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[!@#$%^&*] Brett Favre.

The last 4 seasons he couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to play or not, and now he's mad because the Packers won't kiss his ass?

I hope whoever he plays for he gets blasted on every single play.

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I kind of like when some of the anchors ask each other if they're sick of hearing about Brett Favre as if some unknown force is making them talk about him.

I don't feel sorry for either the management of the Packers or Brett Favre. They wanted him to play when he was considering retirement before because it was best for them so the coach went and convinced him to come back. Now that he said he was retiring and changed his mind then he's the bad guy. Sure it was inconvenient for him to change his mind but when convincing him to come back was convenient for them, they didn't hesitate. They should have just worked it out without the drama. Having him around for another season shouldn't have been that big of a deal.

Now they have Aaron Rogers under too much pressure and so is Favre since the expectations will be high no matter where he goes if he goes for a deal. I don't even think he's that reliable so I have found the analysts who act as if the Packers gave up their chance to be in the Super Bowl somewhat humorous. All they're losing is someone they're used to not a sure shot.

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I think he preferred Tampa but they are still the NFC and play the Packers this year. The Packers simply were afraid to face him on the field.

The year he would have isn't guaranteed but neither is the team under Rodgers. People who saw the scrimmage Sunday night said the 3rd string quarterback looked better than Rodgers.

I don't believe that he wanted money if he wasn't the starter. It was all about playing for him and not about money. If it was about money he would have taken their bribe! He was willing to compete for the job but they wouldn't do that as they knew he could win it.

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