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GL: August Discussion

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UKBoi - It does look like this is her grand plan for the character, based on everything that's happened up until this point. And after today's show, perhaps she wants to paint him as a martyr as well. <_<

I think EVERYONE would agree that it's criminal the way EW/DK have used Blake the last few years. Plot.Point.Only. A character with such historic, organic ties to Springfield used as a prop for new characters that I don't even CARE about. And ya know, Yvonna Wright (as you pointed out) is barely a vet, but hugely talented IMO. She's beautiful to boot. Why is she on the backburner? She's one of the few with current ties with the Bauers and there has to be story there for any writer worth his salt.

Well said. And IA, you could probably do a better job than EW/DK. I know for a fact that my SON friend JAYJAY could do better. He has one pretty good kick-ass blog out there that is a great read. :):)

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This is what appeared in SOD last week. The last paragraph for GL in the "Hot Plots Preview" page:

After a brief deliberation, the jury finds Grady not guilty. "It's based on pure facts. It's just a sense of relief", adds Manera. "It's finally nice to be vindicated of what everyone thinks he's done wrong. People are still going to think the same about him, but on the count of him murdering Tammy, he didn't. It's as simple as that."

This just rubbed me the wrong way. "What everyone thinks he's done wrong"??? We KNOW he's done wrong because it HAPPENED ON SCREEN. How can EW/DK possibly think that this abomination of a trial is going to make us think differently? He DID run Tammy down, he DIDN'T shed one tear about it and he STILL doesn't give a [!@#$%^&*] about Tammy. This trial is not going to redeem this character. He's irredeemable. Period.

And as far as the trial goes, this one will go down as the complete opposite of compelling drama. It doesn't compare to Karen on OLTL or Annie on GL. As those are remembered as some of the best, this one will be remembered as the.worst.ever. <_<<_<

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How on earth could he have been found not guilty? I only saw the last few minutes of the show...I can't stand Daisy or Grady. The way the actress who plays Daisy stammers through her lines just grates on my nerves, and Grady will always be the character who aimed to kill Jonathan but killed Tammy instead.

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That's a very good question, Helena. It makes absolutely no sense and shows that TPTB at GL are delusional if they think the audience will EVER accept G/Gillespie/Grady as the "bad boy redeemed".

The trial was a joke in itself. Why didn't we see Jeffrey calling Alan to the stand? Or Doris Wolfe to the stand? Or Remy? He kicked G's ass in the church after he killed Tammy. Daisy's testimony was a joke. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch more than 10 minutes of the show this week. :huh::huh:

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Dinah is now scheming WITH Alan?!?! <_<<_< I'm sorry. I know that for whatever reason Bill kicked her outta the mansion, but she would never, ever do that. She can't stand the man for one. Secondly, she took Spaulding over BY HERSELF the first time, so why can't she do it alone now?

This is a prime example of the writers/PTB having characters change to fit story. IMO. Ugh.

Why do I torture myself??? I obviously have a passive-aggressive disorder regarding GL :unsure::unsure:

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i dont care about G going down for tammys murder because i hated her...

i love gl right now. perfect it is not. what it use to be it also isnt. but does keep me for an hour. its actually made me laugh cry and think in the past two weeks. thats all iw ant from a soap. and GL is giving it to me.

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So I just caught the episodes from Wed & Thu. Visually, the shows are looking much better IMO.

Marcy Rylan has really grown into the young heroine/star of this show. They should do ANYTHING they can to keep her when her contract is up (toward the end of the year). She's really matured since first taking over the role a few years ago.

Daniel Cosgrove looks really good with facial hair.

ALOT of story these days is being driven by dead people! Everyone is talking about either Gus, Tammy or baby Max. Kinda strange...

And since when did Alan get exonerated from the charges against him? Grady was found innocent on Monday, not Alan. So why is Jeffrey obsessing about Alan being "set free"??

Lastly, Gus hated Alan. Why would he die and come back as Alan's "guardian angel"? If Gus wanted to come back as an angel to anyone, wouldn't it be Natalia or Olivia or Harley (ooops, she's gone...) - anyone but Alan. The vision story is out there, but the fact they are coming from Gus is even more senseless.

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Didn't you hear? Alan's redemption happened off screen.

ALOT of stuff regarding Alan has been glossed over (Just like Jeffrey and Grady), it's ridiculous. I'm still trying to find the logic in Lizzie and Beth choosing to stand by a man who's responsible for the death of a young woman and that [!@#$%^&*] he pulled with Phillip.

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I watched this morning for the first time in weeks. Wow, Grady really is just a Jonathan rip-off, but so much worse than that, he and Daisy have ZERO chemistry. Whatever you thought of the kissin' cousins, you have to admit that Jonathan and Tammy definitely had an on-screen connection. These two are just deadly together. The whole time, I kept thinking of Mean Girls "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen, Gretchen. It's never going to happen!" Well, "Stop trying to make Graisy work, Ellen. It's never going to happen!"

Otherwise, the rest of the show wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I'm over Cassie as a character, but Nicole is really working her butt off with this story. And I can't make heads or tails of the Spaulding story, but like I said, the actors are really working overtime to sell it. That in and of itself makes the show somewhat watchable (albeit still frustrating). It's definitely come a long way since February (not that that's saying much)

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