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AMC: Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Kendall has every right to be mad at Annie for what she did to Zach. Thats not the issue. Running to Greenlee to throw her and Ryan together is. Its none of her business and she should butt out. Now all of a sudden Kendall is a huge Ryan/Greenlee supporter, willing to prop them up and fight for their love? Give me a break. Kendall needs to sit her ass down

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It's silly for Kendall to expect Greenlee to react any better to learning Ryan is still in love with her than she herself did. Heck, Kendall should have reminded Ryan of what crap he put both her & Greenlee through when he faked his death and slapped him a la Cher telling Nicholas Cage to "snap out of it" in the movie Moonstruck!

Say what now? Annie did not frame Zach at all. She told Jesse that truth that Zach beat Richie up. Period. End of story.

Kendall supporting Rylee is bad enough but her constant putdowns of Annie's mental health when both she & Greenlee have done worse than breaking and entering is beyond hypocritical and make her come off a shrill lunatic, imo.

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I almost forgot to comment on the actual episode.

The Ryan/Tad scenes were great. It feels like it's been forever since two characters had a meaningful conversation that incorporated their histories as they actually played out onscreen.

Frankie/Randi had good dialogue; I just wish the show would recast her part with a better actress.

Jesse/Angie were good but I wish we had seen more of a love scene.

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Kendall would sound like a shrill bitch, except for the fact that SHE'S RIGHT about Annie. On top of htat, Kendall and Greenlee have always been borderline nuts. Annie was a bastion of sanity until recently, so I imagine the contrast is rather startling when you start to pile up the behavior that the characters know about.

As for Rylee - IMO this isn't about Annie at all. Kendall has always been a huge Rylee cheerleader, since mid 2005. She loves Greenlee, she loves Ryan. She thinks (for whatever cracked reason) that they're destiny. She knows Ryan loves Greenlee; she thought that (until yesterday, anyway) that Greenlee had some unresolved feelings for Ryan. Why wouldn't she tell Greenlee?

And, FWIW, she chose not to tell Greenlee about Ryan's feelings because Greenlee is happy.

BTW, R Sinclair, I would bet that July is the month that Rebecca Budig overtakes AM in the airtime sweepstakes for this year. Kendall hasn't had a story this year other than the fallout from the ONS. Greenlee, OTOH, has taken over to an insane degree. She's in the spoilers every day - and on the rare day she's NOT on, everyone talks about her. She's had two near death experiences, countless chem tests with every man under 60, and episodes where she talks to a stuffed tiger. I'm waiting for the coma with the voiceofComa!Greenlee.

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Gosh, what does that sound like? Oh thats right every single damn year since AM came onto the show. Kendull has taken this show hostage for years now.

The green overdose is just as bad, but whatever. At least kendull fans now have some kinda idea what its been like for years.

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Agreed 100% with all of that.

Randi is jus tnot up to the material--I am impressed iwth a lot of the writing. They're actually kinda delving into facts liek Randi does have some sort of choice to be a prostitute, obviously there's something wrong with how she grew up or her past that keeps her thinking that way, Frankie's not an instant hero, etc. Back with Chuck/Donna, since it was the 70s, the story was much more "how do get Donna away from her evil pimp"--so I like they're adding a bit more of a realitic edge--so far--here. But Randi, that actress....

as for: "Kendall supporting Rylee is bad enough but her constant putdowns of Annie's mental health when both she & Greenlee have done worse than breaking and entering is beyond hypocritical and make her come off a shrill lunatic, imo."

Umm isn't that kinda what Kendall is? I actually love her, for the most part, but she's a nut--she's her mother's daughter, she has to get involved in everyone's business and story--and tell everyoen the news--but with an extra edge since she's always doubting herself--

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No argument. I love Kendall and I think she was on too much! A couple of things, though:

1. Whenever Greenlee was on, she was just as dominant under the Frons regime. And when she wasn't, Babe was.

2. Switching the players on overkill doesn't solve the fundamental problem - AMC has no balance. But this year, especially, complaining about Kendall or even Zendall doesn't really fly for me, because in 2008 (and for more than half of 2007), she (and they) weren't the sole problem.

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bc Kendall stopped being a Rylee cheerleader back in 2006. When Greenlee came back to town last year, wanting to be best friends with Kendall and take her place back as Ryan's wife, it was Kendall who stopped her from messing up Ryan's weddint to Annie. She went out of her way to lock her up and keep her from them. Throughout those weeks that followed, Kendall supported Ryan's decision to stay with Annie and she opposed Greenlee's interfering. She did not want to see them back together and let her opinion be known. She wasnt supportive of Greenlee interfering in Ryan/Annies relationship recently after Ryan got amnesia. This sudden push for Rylee love came out of nowhere as she has NOT been shown to be supportive of this relationship in years

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