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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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With Michael Parr leaving I really hope they don't kill off Ross and have his heart transplanted into Sarah!  

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I realize that he will be around for some time, so maybe it's unlikely that they're going down that path, but with this show you never know nowadays....

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I think it's too easy for him to have killed her. He also couldn't kill her when he tried before. I think she's hidden somewhere. 


I have enjoyed the show a bit more lately, although it's still not great. I'm happy to see Sam getting more to do in the spoilers...


(I know he's not popular here)

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Even though he's a Dingle I'm actually quite pleased with the spoilers for him. It's a great use of history for once.

(I can't believe I'm actually excited about a Dingle getting more screentime. The heatwave we're having must have affected me more than I expected.... 

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If he kills Liv, I'm all for it. She serves no purpose anymore. Aaron's still always fretting after her as is the whole village. "How's Liv? Where's Liv? Is Liv happy? Is Liv drunk? Liv, Liv, Liv..." 

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I've always loved Rebecca as a character, but if they refuse to write for her or fix this stupid, insipid brain injury, then let Emily Head go off and do something else. 

I do wish ITV would stop with the hour-long episodes of Emmerdale. 22 minutes is more than enough these days.

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I have no problem with Matty, but as usual when a soap tackles a somewhat controversial subject it will fizzle out after the initial surprise. In a few weeks Matty will be just like any other character on the show, and his history will be largely forgotten. Soaps are so afraid of any real long-lasting controversy that stories like this inevitably becomes disappointing.


I have to say that I don't like the hints of attraction between him and Victoria, but that's for personal reasons. I want Victoria to start having babies to expand the Sugden family, and unfortunately Matty cannot provide that.

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Wait, so the only non-Dingle or Dingle adjacent person at Robert & Aaron's engagement party is Bernice (who I love)? Diane's in Leeds and Victoria's working? I can't with this show...

I don't care about Graham. Why is he getting flashbacks and a special episode? 

Joe Tate serves zero purpose. He needs to leave town and never return. This storyline has been an epic flop. Without him seeking revenge on Charity, there's nothing remotely interesting or engaging about him.

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Haven't you learned that the only ones this show cares about are the ones named Dingle. The rest are just fillers..... 

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And yes, Joseph's return has turned into a big fat flop. Not surprising though, since we can't have anyone oppose the all-powerful and mighty Dingle clan now, can we? They must be on top and on the winning side all the time, and anyone who dares to do or say anything against them must be made to see the error of their ways and join the rest in singing their praises....

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It’s been a hard lesson to learn, but I’ve learned it.

I’m actually shocked and disheartened by the dramatic shift in tone, style, pacing, and storytelling that has overtaken the show in the last year. There’s so much darkness, zero levity, and it’s insufferable now. 

Probably the thing that has annoyed me the most is how they handled Moira learning about Matty and having trouble coming to terms with the news. Moira’s no saint, but she’s always loved her kids and done the best for them. I was firmly on her side because he lied and avoided her for two years when she needed him the most. 


Edited by mikelyons
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To me that was less about Moira and Matty and more about giving them a chance to portray Cain as the voice of reason and tolerance in an attempt to whitewash him after his involvement in the whole sordid affair with the acid attack on Ross.

Just like Sarah's illness, in my opinion, is not about her but a not very subtle way of trying to make the audience more sympathetic towards Debbie. (It's not working on me though. I still hate that bitch with every fiber of my being)

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