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B&B: Week of July 07, 2008

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Uh, interesting musical montage (is it really a montage?) with Marcus and Steffy. They used that song in the CBS promo. Is that a real song or something made just for CBS daytime?

I did like seeing the "behind the scenes" of Forrester Creations.

I like the pacing of their story, too. Whoduthunk the teen story would be the only interesting thing going on?!?!

No comment on the wedding.

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*swoon* Steffy and Marcus montage. SOO watching on my phone at 4.

I know, who would have thought they'd be such a hit. But I think it's the perfect combination of chemistry and a real storyline.

Dude, really, must they devote more time to the wedding. It seemed SOO forced on Friday...

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I was just paying attention to the new opening and the guy who plays Marcus' name is Texas Battle? Are you kidding me? Texas Battle? LMAO, that sounds too crazy to be true. I wonder what it was like for him to grow up with that

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They actually doing the one thing with them that a lot of soaps are not doing with new couples. B&B is actually taking the time to build up the couple. They have been pretty much paired together from the start, but there is still this build up before they are really a "couple". They are making us care about the characters as individuals before pairing them into a full couple.

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I am so over the moon loving them. The scenes were perfect--it's a buildup and actually totally making me want the actual kiss even more. And it's actually not an "overload" at all--not every moment of every show, which makes me more excited.

And the Jackie hair continues to look HORRID. Hot tranny mess horrid.

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I love Marcus/Steffy. It's amazing just how much better the casting for Steffy is compared to Phoebe (who I always thought was intensely overrated). Steffy actually reminds me of Taylor. Like this headdip she did at the end of the first scene. I like her a ton.

I'm just so sick of investing in any of the B&B summer couples (remember... Thomas/Amber, Thomas/Gabby, CJ/Becky, CJ/Bridget, Rick/Erica, Amber/Deacon or really any). They always get kick ass front burner storylines and after that they are gone.

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While I am not over the moon (these performers are still green), I am enjoying them more than anything else. Young love...not histrionic or over-wrought...some fun...something fresh and different (but still a Forrester-Logan union). Works for me.

I loved your clip, EXCEPT...all that high-speed Chaplin-esque walking over the rooftop was too much and looked silly. I get that real-time roof-walking took too long, and they didn't want to waste all their exterior footage...but the high speed stuff wasn't the right effect. But I am enjoying when ALL the CBS soaps get out of the studio now (yup, that includes GL now that it is not barren winter and they've stopped shaking so much).

I am on-board with Adam/Heather (see my avatar). I am not yet on-board with Marcus/Steffy (since they are younger, the writers can't play the same HOTness...although you know it is coming). But I enjoy them, they are fresh, and I'll have fun watching this play out.

Me too. The scene pacing/staging doesn't yet match the exteriors, but I am hopeful that is coming. I suspect they are trying to gradually get us used to this.

I wonder if any of their older viewer base will be turned off? So far, what they are doing is subtle enough that I doubt they'll even notice.

I think this is a prelude to a change in the show's whole style...music, dress, pacing, lighting...but they are dribbling it out to avoid protest. As Tom Casiello noted, that is wise, given the fan outrage to the GL "production model" hype.

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Me too. That was a realism I appreciated. I am assuming this is all the Bell Productions behind-the-scenes at CBS Television City? If yes, it is really nice that the environment in which they work actually matches what the show should be....

I'm not objecting to this production change. I hope they can work on the pacing and storytelling within the scenes now. I don't necessarily mean faster...I mean deeper and with more energy.

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