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Peyton Place on Dvd?

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As far as I know, there haven't been any official releases of the show on DVD. TVShowsonDVD.com doesn't list any, either.

I've never seen it (except for a very short clip of Rodney Harrington walking in on his father making out with Betty's mother, Julie), but I've seen the movie, and it's one of my all-time favorites no doubt. There are some major differences between the two (mainly characters' relationships and the fact that the movie/novel were set during the WWII era while the TV show was set in the 1960s).

It's a damn shame that no channel's aired this show regularly in at least ten years. This show, which was a phenomenon and made over 500 episodes, deserves to be somewhere more than a lot of the [!@#$%^&*] that's constantly being rerun all over the place.

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The Romance Network is the one that changed into WE: Women's Entertainment, I think. I used to have WE and *loved* it because they would constantly show those "Dynasty"/"Dallas"-esque mini-series from the 80s like "Hollywood Wives," "Bare Essence," and "Sins." I once spent an entire Saturday afternoon (from noon to six, I think) watching all of "Hollywood Wives." Loved every second of it.

^^^^^Ridiculously off topic, but I haven't gushed about my HW love in a while, so yeah lol

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Try sell.com for a cheap version, but same product. I have the series and it is absolutely riveting. The Allison Mackenzie arc during the first two years is almost flawless. Mia Farrow was insanely brilliant in the role. Dorthy Malone is kinda strange to me as Allison's mother Constance. She's an Oscar winner, but very phony and wears the most bizarre wigs. Lee Grant and Ruth Warrick are two to really look out for on this show. I was floored by these two the moment they arrived in Peyton Place.

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