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B&B: Week of June 30th

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NO, NO, NO!!!! This isn't looking good for Ashley. Dang-nabbit.

It looks like in addition to adding the new folk, they also update a few shots in the opening. I noticed Taylor's part has been updated and she looks really good.

I'm still watching the show, so I'll post more later. Okay, commercials over! What the ... OMG, is that the Crypt Keeper sucking Bridget's face!?!?!?! Oh, nevermind, false alarm, it's just Nick! BWAHAHAHA!!!

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1. Brandon Beemer would be in my list of current favorite soap hunks, he's hot, I wouldn't mind being locked in a steamroom with him! B)B). B&B badly needs sexy new male characters, it's ludicrous that Ridge and Nick are supposedly the only desirable men in LA LOL :lol: So, I'm interested to see how Owen fits into the SLs and which woman he's paired with.

2. Eileen Davidson? She might as well go back to Y&R, Bell obviously doesn't want to write for the Ashley character

3. I'm tired of Nick, isn't it time Jack Wagner had an extended vacation?

4. Can we please have a break from "The KATIE SHOW"?

5. I want to see Susan Flannery, KKL, Hunter Tylo all back on the frontburner, with their own SLs.

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I so do not like the quick-cuts-across-LA on B&B! This is a soap opera, not The Hills!

The only story I'm interested in right now is with Owen/Marcus/Steffy. More of them please.

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I don't know how I quite feel about the quick cut aways of LA between scenes.

Like the growing relationship between Marcus and Steffy. Just a plus for me that Owen is going to be mixed into this story. :wub:

Getting bored with the Katie Show.

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Rewatched the new opening....

There's a new shot of Hunter Tylo with longer hair. Looks more like she does now instead of when it was short when she came back. They should've done one for Kyle Lowder too. Ugh to his long hair.

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Thanks for posting the opening! YouTube is just a godsend.

Why was Owen following Donna instead of Marcus?

If they couldn't film a shot for Hunter Tylo that looked as vibrant and pretty as her last one, they shouldn't have replaced it. She looks almost dead with that harsh lighting on her, and that bedhead hair. A mess!

I see they did the Bridget/Nick/Katie grouping in the opening.

Thorne and Felicia really just get bounced around ANYWHERE in this opening, don't they.

NOT looking good for Ashley. I am honestly STUNNED that with the fanfare that they took her into the show, she has been so unceremoniously phased out. Stunned. Even if she's popped back in as a placeholder like Clarke usually is, it's a disrespect to a great actress that SHOULD be one of the leading ladies on the show.

I understand them not wanting to break up the Stephanie/Eric/Brooke/Ridge at the start of the opening, but the story is not necessarily there to support it. If anything, they should START with Stephanie/Eric, and END with Ridge/Brooke.

I think this order would have made more sense:




















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I guess I'm just a big fan of "bookending" an opening sequence with the core characters. Starting with someone iconic, and ending with someone iconic... symmetry, balance, etc. Like AMC starts and ends with Erica, and in previous formats started with Adam, ended with Erica, or started with Joe/Ruth and ended with Erica. I always thought OLTL should start with Dorian and end with Viki, since they are always so opposed and the antithesis of each other.

And the Eric/Donna thing doesn't seem to be going away, so I don't think it would need that much updating.

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I'm wondering what Owen's agenda is! I was only half-watching the show today, but I kept looking for the subtext in the Donna/Marcus/Owen interaction.

I was kind of thinking they were going to pull a switch and make Owen Donna's real son, but I would think Donna would know if her son was born black or not. That would be a pretty major switch.

Isn't Texas Battle the first African American to appear in this format of the B&B opening sequence?

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I think the font size doesn't quite match either.

ETA: I am SHOCKED Ashley was missing. I didn't believe it when I read it...but there are 19 players there, and not Eileen. Since Patrick Duffy won't be there long, maybe Eileen will drop in there? This is really an insult to such a major actress and the fans who treasure her.

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