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Nelson Branco Has More on the Y&R Bloom/Griffith Situation, Plus More!

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All that is wrong with DaytimeTV is right there, on that article. God, they REALLY do want to destroy them, don't they? It's clear: Bloom wants to be as powerful as Frons is--and she will try to get that power any way she can! :rolleyes:

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This is exactly what is wrong with sops these days.. The real soap opera is what is happening behind the screens.

I wish soaps would become the way they were years ago.. A headwriter is writing the show and works with the executive producer. Enough with the coorporate intrigue. Is it that hard for TPTB to realise that this is the safest way to ruin a show??

This is how daytime lost Claire Labine, Nancy Curlee, the Dobsons, Pam K. Long, Michael Malone, Wendy Riche to name a few.

All I know is that whoever allowed LML to do this to Y&R should be fired first.

(BTW I hope Barbara Bloom wants Wendy Riche or Felicia Minei Behr to join Y&R)

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I'm glad he's speaking out, but would have preferred if it was done before he got pissed off. Before this issue with P&G/CBS, he was perfectly content with keeping this to himself.

It seems like he didn't side with the reader/viewer until it didn't benefit him to side with the corporate machine. That said, I'm glad someone is speaking out. Let's hope he is allowed to continue to do this. We all know that mags tend to cave to network pressure......

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I can't take Nelson Blanco seriously. Beyond his obvious agenda, I simply do not believe he is as much an insider as he purports to be in his blog. I do think that he is close to the some people in the know in the industry, but I just don't think that they give him much real info instead he swims in gossip/rumors which is why he gets it right sometimes and wrong an equal amount of times.

Clearly, Blanco staking out this antagonist position with CBS because he believes that Barbara Bloom is on her way out, but what if she holds on to her job or the new person doesn't like Blanco any more than Bloom does right now? Luck to him, he is going to need it.

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I guess the YR/BB cross-over could be Lesli Kay (as mentioned), since wasn't Eileen Davidson's departure from Y&R more related to LML, right? If Bloom loves the P&G soaps, (which I'm not sure why since they're so far down in the ratings now), I guess she'd be pissed that LK left ATWT, especially since she's an Emmy winner.

Doesn't make sense for her to be harsh to those two soaps since they've gone down under her rule, yet are still 1 and 2.

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I doubt it, Bloom and Tomlin didn't work closely at ABC and she wasn't there for very long when he was an EP. Not to mention, he'd be a horrible fit for the show (but that wouldn't stop Bloom)!

As for Nelson, I have no doubt that's he's a bit over the top, but I believe most of what he's saying.

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