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Days: Week Of June 16-20 2008

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I was actually very intrigued by Trent and Nicole's scenes..He was kind of creepy towards her..I'm wondering if their history goes back to the time Nicole did porn? Finally something to look forward to on this show..

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I like the Max story, and I just adore Roscoe Born. I guess the dean is Max's father????

You know, I enjoyed NuJohn and Ava and thought they were fun. I also enjoy the friendship between Nicole and Ava. Actually Ava is becoming one of my favorite characters and I'm sad to hear she is leaving.

An unpopular opinion: I'm enjoying DOOL. At times it drags, but I like it and I like the mix of stories.

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I'm hating this Max storyline and I hate seeing him angry all the time. I can't believe this is the A storyline right now.

I'm officially over this "dock wars" storylines. Jawn vs Philip? Big whoops! They're both acting like bad guys, so it's bad guy vs bad guy (sounds like GH). I despise Jawn now. He's so one note. Taking Claire away from Jawn was a huge mistake. With Claire, he showed some humanity.

Steve/Kayla/Joe......boring. He's sick.....oh no......he's heathly now....yay!!

So now there's another mystery illness.....we just saw this 3 months ago!

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Yeah, I gotta tell you I am beyond bored right now. I keep expecting to tune in one day to find Rex making another manmade earthquake or Celeste talking to the tarot cards freaking out over how the sky will fall or something. Something! That was a gross dramatization, but at least something would actually be happening. I'm *so* not on the edge of my seat here with this Higley stuff(can't call them stories since they seem to have a beginning, but no middle or end) but my finger always seems to be on the edge of the FF button.

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:D You took the words right out of my mouth with everything you said after the "I'm hating this Max storyline and I hate seeing him angry all the time". I am actually enjoying it because Max finally has a storyline and it seems to be the most interesting thing on the show. I don't think it should be frontburner though but I guess they are trying to rope in the 18-49 demos for the summer. Everything else you said is spot on! They really need to give these actors something interesting to do! What a waste of SN and MBE's talent! Geeez. And bring back the old John. At least was able to root for him. Gosh, this show makes me sick sometimes!

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I know. I love the actors but they haven't had one good story since they got back.

I agree. I loved the old John - the hero, romantic lead and the playful guy. Whenever I see Roman, Abe, Bo, Hope interogate John and treat him like a criminal, it just feels wrong to me....like something's not right, you know?


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I'm enjoying the show this week...I'm finally starting to enjoy this Max storyline, now that Trent is showing his true colors and being revealed as Max's father..Also the Nicole and Trent connection is intriguing, its great seeing Nicole freaked out..Finally, i'm loving that Ava is being used again and now a stronger person..Love her friendships with John and Nicole..Today was a nice parallel in female friendships between Hope/Marlena and Nicole/Ava...

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