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Y&R: Week of June 16, 2008

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Heather primarily left because they couldn't guarantee her the same number of episodes she had the year before she left and over minor pay issues. It was a situation similar to Martha Byrne's exit at ATWT. It was only really when Victoria came back from Italy with AH in the role did the character become a new character, IMO.

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y&r_fan is obviously entitled to his/her opinion, just as we are entitled to ours. :)

But, y&r_fan, I would encourage you to check out some classic Y&R clips on YouTube. I would hate you to think that recent Y&R is the benchmark in quality when, in actual fact, that bar was set so much higher in the pre-LML days.

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^I agree that when AH came on the char was 100% diff, but IMHO the char had started to change long before HT left. However her last... month or so she was all 100% real victoria.

I dont want HT back because IMHO they are *not* going to write victoria the way she should be written.

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Would they even be a Cane & Chleo stuff because Davetta Lily wanted to make Jewelry. Would she have divorce Daniel over watching porn. Would Daniel would be watching porn if Davetta was still in the role. One thing I know Davetta Lily would have went up against Amber. I don't think she would have given up on Daniel like she did. I believe Davetta understood what we wanted from Dru daughter.

I think it would be interesting for Devon, Chleo, & Cane triangle. That guy that plays Devon isn't bad. If they can just get him away from CKLily. CK brings people acting abilities down.

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Is it just me, or does it seem as if we are heading toward an Adam/Sabrina assignation? They've been having one-on-ones lately about their mutual "outsider" status within the Newman family.

I'm also wishing Victoria would grow the hell up. And that Nikki stop coddling her. Being an adult who is upset over her father marrying another woman, even if that woman happens to be your best friend, is not normal.

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Is it just me who is having paroxysms of OUTRAGE at the Victor pregnancy story?

TWO previous vasectomies...driving YEARS of story...totally ignored.

I'm just obsessed with this apparent utter failure to remember, even among the actors.

And if they are "playing" with us, and setting us up for a twist...I would say that viewer trust is not currently high enough to be teased like this.

I'm hoping rain1 on here can tell us what she thinks is going on...or maybe that Sara Bibel will address this outrage in her blog :-).

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No, I'm with you there, MarkH. Nobody's sperm is that...potent. Not even Victor Newman's.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid Sabrina has been a "good wittle girl". But Lord, do I wish she and David were secretly involved. At least that would give us something juicy to sink our teeth into. David-and-his-mysterious-former-wives has turned into an outrageous bust.

Aw, man. All those misadventures...and Gloria ends up back at Jabot, anyway. And she's answering phones now, so there's no guarantee this won't end up being another excuse for lame physical comedy, either. Why is she still in Genoa City?!

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I hate to say it, but this show needs a strong, take no prisoners EP to come in and change everything and filter out the writing. Someone like, :::gasp:::, Jill Farren Phelps. Say what you want about her, but she is a very hands-on EP who is involved in all the departments of her shows. Josh Griffith strikes me as a lax EP, who figures as long as the show is produced, there is nothing wrong with it. Also, I think a lot of the stuff currently on is his idea, the Adventures of Gloria being the big one.

This show needs a strong EP and HW, who can work off one another and balance one another out. As it stands, this is no real A storyline on this show, and that's what making it so boring.

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There seems to be only one A storyline... and that's GLORIA's. She hasn't missed an episode during this month. And probably won't miss much until the end of the month. Where did this love come from? Josh worked along with Latham previously. I want him gone.

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Heh. I guess when there's so much crap on a show I always start to think that things can't get worse and that there might be at least something to make it better. But I was wrong. I can't wait for Sheffer's stuff to start airing. Any change is welcomed from this repetitiveness.

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