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Is anyone trying to give it up?


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I had a 13 year love affair with the Marlboro Man (I smoked Lights). This Friday, the Fourth of July, is my five year anniversary without smoking.

The way I did it was I quit cold turkey. I simply stopped buying them. I never took my breaks at work which is where I would smoke a lot. I made myself believe that if I threw a cigarette out the window when I drove that I would start a fire. It worked. Sure I had a cigarette every once in a blue moon. But I have't bought a pack since. And I can't remember when I smoked.

I have an addictive personality so I turned it to good use. I started reading more. I bought computer games. I went to Foxwoods, a lot. (not so good). But quitting can be done. My Dad quit cold turkey as well. If I can do it, anyone can

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I am working very hard to stop this week, wow it really is hard, no idea that it was going to be this hard. But i am working on it, what about everyone else here!?........

Myself i prefter Right Smooth, i have bought a lot of gums so i hope it works allright!......

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I tried several times and I have now been a non smoker for a round 20 years.

The first few times I did it cold turkey, but that didn't really work.

Then one day the workplace announced it was going to become smoke free and they had "Quit" come in for those that wanted to give up.

They suggested that the best way was to wean yourself of the smokes by picking a date 2 - 4 weeks into the future and from that date you won't be smoking anymore. And what you need to do during those weeks leading up to the date is to cut your smoking down each day till it is most proberly 2 or 3 a day

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Here is an ad that played on our TV last year.

Here is Australia they do make the ad's as real as possible and there are also some real ads that feature real people.


Here is a link that will take you to other ad's that were on Australian TV


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The link was a advertisment for quit smoking. saying that if a child can be that distressed after only having lost you for a mintue, how would they feel if they last you for life due to a smoking related problem.

Some people in Australia thought that quit had gone to far with that ad, but more said that it was very hard hitting, and Quit did come out and say that the little boy in the ad is a very good actor and does what he is directed to do on queue, and that at no time while filming it was his mother a few feet from him.

Both the quit smoking and drink drive ad's here in Australia are very hard hitting

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