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OLTL: Christopher Cousins Returns!!!

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Raising Cain on "One Life to Live"


OK -- "One Life to Live" is going to be seriously awesome this summer! In addition to the just-returned David Vickers (Tuc Watkins), and the upcoming return of favorites Tina Lord (Andrea Evans), Marty Saybrooke (Susan Haskell), and Carlo Hesser (Thom Christopher), we've learned that another familiar face from the past is coming back. Christopher Cousins is reprising the role of Cain Rogan, the con artist he played from 1991 to 1994. Look for him to air in early July.

You'll remember that Cain was kinda like Zartan from G.I. Joe -- he was always using disguises to pull off his cons. While trying to dig up dirt on Asa Buchanan, he crossed paths with Tina; naturally, all that conning and scheming got Tina (Ms. Lord, if you're nasty) hot and bothered and she eventually married Cain. Things fizzled between the two, however, and they later divorced.

So what brings Cain back to Llanview? We CAN tell you that it definitely ties to Tina's return -- but there's another twist involved that we don't think you'll see coming! It's really good.

Are you excited for Cain Rogan's return?


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oh no, I HATED Cain. That bastard is responsible for coming between my favorite couple, Cord and Tina

I was just thinking, what if this twist is that they change things up and make him the Buchanan heir? Thats instant drama for Cord if he returns (which he better) and spells drama for Sarah as well since she hates Cain and you know Tina loves herself some money

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I thought it was a huge surprise to get 1 return. 2 was unexpected but all these returns seems downright insane! I cant beleive ABC is allowing all of this to happen. Not that Im complaining, but you'd think it had GH's budget. It looks like the network might actually care about this soap after all

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I think these returns will be the make or break decision to determine whether Ron will remain as HW for OLTL.

As far as where the money for these returns coming from, I think the money is coming from a reserved fund that they uses for special occasions.

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I left OLTL in '97 but RealTina, RealMarty, Carlo, Cain, AND Mendorra? All they need now is Cord, but only with John Loprieno. I think I might have to go back now even though I swore I wouldn't get sucked into any other soap after GL became unbearable. Is it possible that somebody still cares what their fans want and will do their darndest to deliver? It sounds like somebody at ABC might. Here's hoping.

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Who? I wasn't watching OLTL during the time he was on the show. Let's hope that RC and company know what their doing bringing back the past, hopefully the return to the good ole days doesn't over stay its welcome. Stunt casting never works, I hope they have story for all these returning characters.

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I used to watch OLTL back in the 90's but i don't remember him..You OLTL fans are in for an exciting summer..Hopefully Ron does a better job with these returns than Hogan did last summer with Stefano, Tony, Anna, Bart, Rolf, and Lexie..

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