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Y&R: Week of May 5th

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I agree. When her eyes welled up with tears after Adrian stormed out on her, I was actually struck by her pain.

But she cannot play the gutsy Colleen that Adrienne played and Y&R needs. She (and all the other women with the exception of Nikki last year) is too soft.

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I've been praying 'Katherine Chancellor Style' that Adrian 'I never had any business being on Y&R' Korbel will be leaving us. With MAB and JG I think it's wishful thinking. But for f**k's sake it's time for him to go! He's TERRIBLE!!!!

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IA the whole book SL sucks. I couldn't care less about Colleen, Adrian or Jana. The only interesting thing (for me anyway) is Kevin. I really like GR. But I don't get why he's so hung up on Jana. There's absolutely no chemistry there. The terrible threesome could depart Genoa City today and I doubt anyone would miss them.

Daniel is also one of the reasons why I like the show, but again, I don't get this "relationship" he's starting with Amber. It was entertaining when they were just friends with benefits, but I don't buy a more traditional relationship with these two. And BTW, could someone tell me what happened to the money Amber has (and Daniel and Kevin know about)? I missed something there.

I'm very interested to see where Nikki/David/Jill/Brad corporate stuff is going to go. Y&R always told great corporate stories, IMO. I'm glad we're seeing some more of that. And I can't wait until Nikki finds out about David's gambling.

The Newman family is something that holds my interest as well. It's another thing that Y&R excels at - family drama. This one has been setup well, with the "new" son coming in and getting between his father and the other children. I am loving this story. Sabrina doesn't really annoy me either (ducks).

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Daniel and Amber burnt the money, videotaping it to prove to Kevin that it was gone.

Then, in one fell swoop, Katherine gives Amber the exact same amount of money to start her own clothing line (Daniel told Katherine about her fashion inclinations). So, Amber has enough cash to live in that expensive penthouse apt. that Phyllis used to live in.

I love that Brad is sneaky. There really hasn't been anyone sneaky in a while on this show. It lends it a whole new dimension that had been missing for like three years. That gambling storyline is boring, though. I just want to see Victor and Nikki back already. I can't wait to see how the writers will put that together.

When Adam had a pic of his mom on his computer, it really showed how human he really was. Glad the writers aren't completely dehumanizing him.

Sabrina doesn't annoy me either. But I hope there's something fishy going on with her. The last thing this show needs is another boring female or another Gloria/Amber.

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IA rhythmchyc with Sabrina. For a while there, there was some speculation that she and Adam might actually be in cahoots together, which I think would be a fantastic twist.

Or at least give her a backstory from when she met Victoria in Europe. That once Victoria shared details of her growing up, the life she lead in GC with her parents, etc, Sabrina dreamed of having that for herself one day. Then using Reed's birth as a ploy to finally get to come to GC and start living her life-long fantasy.

That would add some kick to the story. And it will be interesting the paths the writers will take to bring Victor and Nikki back together. At least I know they will get back together on this show - if these characters were on GL, however, you could kiss a reunion buh-bye.

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Oooh, I hope that Sabrina and Adam are doing something too!! That's classic Y&R if I've ever seen one. When was the last time someone did something behind someone's back without the audience knowing (you know, without having a brain tumor or a plan to kill the 50th person of the year). It'll just give Sabrina more depth. She's highly intelligent, being a successful art collector and all, yet the writers are writing her like she's a simple country bumpkin. WTF was up with the "poupee" yesterday? She's not 12!!

Also, when David decided on the Colonnade Room, where Victor and Nikki remarried, I knew that would foreshadow a reunion. And August 17th is definitely enough time for Victor to find out something about Adam and Sabrina and Nikki to find out about the gambling.

I just can't wait to see how Brad is going to blackmail David with this. He must have something brewing, especially with the men's line he wants to relaunch. And with Jill interested in Brad's relaunch, it'll be great to see Jill/Brad vs. Nikki/David with a little Victoria sprinkled in for good measure.

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I have to disagree. I'm sorry, but she's just very amateurish. Her performance on Friday was laughable. I felt I was watching someone TRYING to act. It was something out of the class "How to Cry 101." Podell, a better actor, gave it his best, but he seemed all alone in all those scenes. And the writing for the Colleen/Adrian scenes was weak, and both actors weren't able to overcome that.

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