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All: Most improved soap

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My vote goes to Days. It was a mess under Hogan, and although I think it's dipped from some incredible highs it had during the plane crash and the funeral, it's still in much better now than this time a year ago. The canvass just seems tighter and there seems to be a vision for the show. AMC is definitely on its way, but it has a long way to go. I'm not seeing what's so wonderful about Y&R. I actually think it's worse now than under Latham (shielding myself from the tomatoes and eggs being thrown at me!). MAB is pretty much continuing Latham's stuff, but just at a more Bell-esque pace, which is not serving these silly and/or tedious storylines very well. It's just boring beyond belief.

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I totally agree...I think you've nailed the reason why. The show really seems like it's in a holding pattern. Perhaps the fact that MAB still has all of Latham's writers explains the lack of movement away from Latham's storylines. Where's the next great villain...Chloe? Adam? Maybe it's Sabrina, whom I think is one of the most boring, poorly-acted frontburner characters I've seen in YEARS on any soap, which is saying something.

Right now, MAB is feeling like B&E to LML's McTavish...less damaging to the show-at-large, ultimately because there's nothing pushing the show forward. I can't even bring myself to watch Y&R, not because I'm horrified, but because I just couldn't be bothered.

DAYS, I must say, is intriguing me...

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Well, from Monday to Friday of last week, it was B&B. :D

ATWT improved vastly from the past three weeks when it was obsessed with Katie's latest wedding. :lol: Not that that took much.

I'm sure GL's improved at something...I don't think we get extreme closeups up the nose of the actors anymore...that's something.

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The custody trial made me sick. Brooke's obsession with Rick's love life makes me sick. Taylor's hypocrisy makes me sick. Rick's does too. That plot just needs to die...I've never wished death upon a tv child...but I'm really tempted.

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I think OLTL, I ditched it awhile back but it's bringing me back to the fold.

B&B has had its moments, but, as usual, it's very hit or miss. It's either there or it isn't; when it's good it's rocking but when it's bad it STINKS.

I really wish I could include GL in this list, because the acting is there but the writing and production value just isn't. I like the change of scenery, it's a new POV for soaps, I just wish they had some substance to back it up.

I think Y&R is about the same.

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