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AMC: Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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I love you Carmen. Jackson Montyummy he is :lol: I also love how she gets Erica to open up and admit her true feelings for her guy :wub: Now it's Jack's turn to get a talking to from Carmen. She needs to be a part of the K/M family officially so I say let's hook her up with Josh.

I have to admit that though I know that Aidan/Greens won't ever marry, it was funny to see Aidan reading off cards and being nervous about talking to Jack about marrying her :lol:

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Lucky Ryan Lavery

Gosh what on Earth did this moron do to actually deserve getting an invite back into Annie and Emma's home? Last I checked, he still p1ssed them off with the horrific treatment he gave them and acted like he was so hurt and wronged with the amnesia nonsense. So he goes into this "I am innocent and need attention" phase as if he is someone who never gets any such attention in the first place. If I were him, I would decline the invitation to move back into my wife's apartment after she rightfully booted me for being an a$$ goblin and have some class to tell her "honey no thanks but I need to work on things myself before I am man enough to come back into the house." But we cannot assume that Ryan would have a gracious bone in his body because he keeps proving time after time that he does nothing to accept graciousness. Oh how I wish this idiot would just go away and perhaps fall off a bridge to be eaten alive by the fishies with them first going after the whack whack and then moving on down to the superhero toes as if he can balance on them and come off like some ballet dancer in Swan Lake. Once again, Ryan does not realize that he will still look out of place once he is back into Annie/Emma home because there is no need for him to be there, plus he has never done anything that is worthy of him to be invited back into the house so why not just decline the invitation and stick to being by yourself so you can recover your own detailed life yourself on your own? That is what a noble person does rather than picking up the belongings, going back into the house, and it is his lucky day because they start praising him again! Then, they decide to continue doing things that are hurtful, offensive, rude, crude, and nasty all to suggest that it was silly in the first place to ask him back into the home. Why go through all of that crud again when Ryan has it in his power to just tell her no? Like Nancy Reagan once coined...Just Say No! Nobody is forcing this dolt to go back into the house...ugh let's see Ryan prove himself of being able to live with loved ones without resorting to crud that treats them like second class citizens.

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I'm just completely bored and OVER the sextet from hell and all their little storylines. Wrap that sh!t up and let's move on.

Erica - loving the prison stuff - but that is it.

I'm ready for Jake/Dixie to come back and breathe a little life back in this soap for me...Jesse/Angie did that for awhile but they sort of pootered (sp?) out, although I still enjoy seeing them more often than not.

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