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GH: Week of April 7th

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She gave it up after she slept with Ric. She quit her job in the DAs office around that time as well

Can Lulu get any worse? Was she really blaming Johnny now for playing with her emotions, not knowing what he wants and stringing her along? Isnt that kettle calling the pot black?

On a shallow note, Greg Vaughan looks hot with a beard. I hope he keeps the facial hair

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i would also like to point out i didnt want robin to die today. she like a normal human instead of high moral horse riding robin.

and my sonny hate is back, but i still dont fault him for covering kate. michael was a good 10 feet or so away, and the sun was aimed at him. the only reason michael was hit was because it hit the post thing and bounced off.

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Well I loved the Johnny speech to Lulu today. He nailed it with all aspects of what the mob is and how it is viewed.

I still dont like LW as Carly but I will give her more props than I would give Tamara if she was doing a scene like this.

As a mom I dont care maybe its me but my first instinct is where is my child and to me Sonny did not do this and this is coming from a Sonny fan but Carly putting the whole blame on Sonny sucks because lets be honest she introduced Micheal to this when she lied about the paternity with Jason going along. Lets be honest its all of them to blame period but Carly wont see that because you know Jason can do no wrong and well her choices never have consequences.

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None of their choices have any visible consequences except for their loved ones getting shot/killed and them shedding some tears, vowing revenge, and going back to business as usual. That's the gist of the writing and I cannot get into something that was thrown together merely for an emotional reaction when it lacks real substance.

If Sonny makes a speech about the life he chose costing the blood of his child then it might prove a real tear jerker for someone who reaches down inside to connect it with reality. But the reality is that none of us would choose a path that led to so much destruction and continue to justify doing it as our family members were killed and/or injured as a result of that choice so I can't equate it to real life because it's way off the mark. Especially the suggestion that you can protect a child from danger by signing him/her away. Uhm not if you're living in the same town and people know about the connection. That kind of reasoning can be effectively used if the father does not know of the child's existence or if the father has no interest in the child whatsoever. But if the emotional tie is made then the threat is there.

If, for instance, Sonny signs away his parental rights to his children then he's giving up being a presence in their life but in the real world of mobsters, that wouldn't guarantee that the mob would never use them against him. But I figure it will be a matter of time before the GH writers end up contradicting themselves about this as well. I specifically expect that the biggest contradiction about the danger is going to come from Jason/Elizabeth and that's why they're still pretending that anyone who wants to know doesn't already know about Jake.

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In defense of the underrated Tamara Braun, you maybe missed the scene when her Carly broke down at the police station, believing that Faith had killed Michael. It was about a month before TB left. She wasn't crying prettily and doing a lot of shreiking and scenery-chewing like other Carlys have tended to do. She sobbed like a real person does, like her heart was utterly broken. GH does so many of these teary scenes that I have become immune, but Tamara Braun in that scene -- wow. I got serious chills and had to rewind because my eyes started brimming over. And I don't even like Michael.

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Seriously Tamara was excellent as Carly and she doesn't get enough credit at all for her work. Laura Wright is a cartoon who is unlikeable and inhuman so it's hard to really feel for Carly. Especially since in general LW doesn't know how to emote any sympathetic situation.

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