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GH: Week Of Feb 18th

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Unpopullar opinon but I was on Robins side with Leyla today. Leyla is the one who came up to her and mentioned the baby which Robin didn't want to talk about and then threw a tandrum and if Leyla wants to talk about vitims she needs to look in the mirror. The more they shove Leyla in my face the more I'm going to root for Robin.

I'm happy that Patrick stuck up for Robin and I think that Ian is up to no good with Nicholas.

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^i wish i could feel that way, but Robin was just being a jelous bitch. I mean, i hate that GH has me thinking this way, but they do. I want to fight the good fight and say "ha GH! you want me to feel this way but i dont!!" however i couldnt with robin & leyla.

Leyla was just trying to be cival and end a fued in the workplace. All Robin has to do was a simple thank you or even just brush it off. She didnt need to go all psycho crazy jelous ex girlfriend.

and Leyla was spot on in everything she said.

i feel i must now point out that i HATE leyla and LOVE robin and am a srabs fanboy. because i feel like i just commited a moral sin in defending leyla and bashing robin. but.. well GH makes me do crazy things.

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I didn't think Robin was acting like a jealous girlfriend at all. I've seen her act worse around leyla. Robin didn't want to talk about her baby with Leyla and didn'tthink talking about Patrick would be a civil conversation either. I think Leyla was the one who threw a fit. I mean I do agree that Leyla wasn't to blame for crubs breakup but who's called Leyla a homewrecker nobody on the show thats for sure.

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GH without Sam is 100x's better.

Maxie was great today. She was spot on with everything she said and how she should be feeling.

When Lulu stepped up and got in her face i wanted Maxie to slap the bitch!

but then GH got me and i fewlt bad for lulu when she was the rooftop crying with the fake PC CGI backtound.

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"She forced me into helping her"

"Forced You?"


"Maxie? How"

"She scares me.. doesnt she scare you?"

LOL. Spinelli & Mac are funny.

Kirsten Storms & Josh D. have so much sexual chem, even she he is in a coma in a hospital bed and shes about to kill him.

God, I love that Maxie is about to go kill Logan. She thinks he attacked her, killed her sister, and her boyfriend. Dont blame the girl.

This is why i love lulu. scenes like this. scenes where she breaks down and lets all her emotions out.

again, yay for ric & tht girl. i can FF by them. same with claudbitch.

jax & sonny fighting over a woman will always be great.

wow, another PSA! damn gh.

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Lulu, the slut. Exactly what I did not want to see today. I cant believe how much I cant stand her now

What the hell type of parents are Sonny and Carly to have Michael roaming the streets at all hours of hte night and have no idea where he is

Im glad Sam's back. As always, I enjoyed her scenes with Nikolas

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How is Lulu a slut? Because she slept with Johnny? I would ay it is safe to say shes single now. As far as everyone knows Logan was the killer. I dont see any problem with her sleeping with Johnny. I feel the need to point out that Lulu annoys the hel out of me and has for the last year. I also cant stand Johnny and want lulu/Logan back together asap, but still, i wouldnt call her a slut.

Didnt Max say he went to pick him up from some thing? a sports or school related thing? and that they said he never showed up? Say what you will about S&C, but they do keep tabs on the kids.

I loved sam in her scenes with Nikolas, because she is human with him. She has layers with him. Its not all "poor barren me. evil jason and evil liz ruined my life. wha wha wha. feel bad for me. my life sucks and it is all everyone elses fault" when shes with him.

Maxie going into Logan room was good. Those scenes were good. Loved her and spinelli on the roof.

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I don't see Lulu as a slut. She is perhaps one of the most gaurded females on this show when it comes to sex. She has been scorned the most and she shows it. Lulu isn't loose in anyway and she has been nursing fears about sex ever since her abortion over her one time trist with Dillion. The girl doesn't have alot of luck in that area at all. It seems just after she sleeps with a man she ends up getting major consequences for it. With Dillion it was her abortion, Logan it was finding out he cheated on her with Maxie and that their relationship was a lie and now with Johnny we all know what's going to happen with Sonny on the loose searching for blood.

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