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GH: Week Of Feb 18th

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Lulu bounces from guy to guy and can never stay settled down for more than a few moments. She'll be with Logan until the next guy shows up bc she loves to have multiple man at her feet. She just had sex with Johnny but the sad thing is once she finds out Logan wasnt the killer, she'll end up right back with him. She's horrible. Maybe sliut is too harsh of a word but the show hasnt been doing her any favors having her have 2, 3 sometimes 4 guys as potential partners at one time and Lulu just teasing them along.

Max went to pick up Michael from a sports thing that he never showed up to. SC are horrible parents. They had no idea Michael was sneaking off to go buy a gun and a few days later bullets. They had NO clue, until Mike informed Sonny that he saw Michael alone on teh docks. Carly is self absorbed with her new baby when she cant even take care of the kid she has now who is in desperate need of help. Sonny isnt much better having left to go to NY for weeks for his gf. No I dont think they are good parents. They are among the worse on this show. Michael is so screwed up bc of them. The kid is like 11/12. He shouldnt be out roaming the streets alone

Yes, GH needs to focus Sam more on her family. Her best scenes are with Alexis, Nikolas and her sister. She genuinly cares about Nikolas and theres no secret agenda as far as their relationship goes. I really wish they'd do a big Cassadine story. Theres alot of potential there.

Maxie and Spinelli are alright. I hate both characters but together, they are somewhat tolerable for whatever reason

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I dont see that as anywhere near a whore. So men are attracted to her nd try to date her. She goes on dates and hangs out with boys. I dont see that a slut at all. She hadnt commited to anyone, until Logan, and she was faithful to him until she learned the truth. After that she only got back with him for her deal with scott and logan knew that. I dont see her as anything more than a 20 y/o girl dating around.

I am not saying they are not horrid parents, but just that not every little thing can be used against them as bad parents like not knowing michael was missing until later today. They assumed he was where he was suposed to be like he always had been. They didnt call from the coach asking why he wasnt there or anything. ITA with everything else you said.

My sam hate only comes from the fact that all she ever does is whine about big bad jason and evil liz and play the poor innocent me card. If they moved her on i would be so happy to go back to sam love

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Wow those Johnny & Lulu scenes were HOT! Far be it for me to say that something is inappropriate for Daytime television but I almost thought I was watching soft porn.

But it was sexy as hell.

And if Lulu is a slut then wow....we might as well just label 99% of the women in Daytime sluts.

So what the girl has multiple suitors. Its part of being young (don't know how old you are but 23 here), hot, and single. Of course many people are gonna be attracted to you and vice versa. Shes not toying with anyone or leading anyone on. Its called the game of courtship. Theres no rule that you have to be a with a guy for a certain amount of time before moving on to the next one. Nor is there any rule that says you should only date 1 guy at a time! Its not likes shes alternating between sleeping with Logan and Johnny every day of the week.

Besides the fact that Logan has serious anger issues.

Sonny & Carly are just so stupid. I can forgive Sonny for not having a clue that his child shot Kate since coming from the whole mob warfare thing the LAST person you'd expect to hurt a loved one would be family.

However Carly lives with Michael and as such should know something is going on with the kid. I don't hate Michael. I feel for him. However I can't help but laugh my a$$ off when his scenes come on. I mean theres this lil brat sitting their scared for his life cuz he thinks Sonny will kill him for hurting Kate. Now a part of me is like "Come on kid get real what parent would shoot their son just like that...?"

Then the other remembers....oh right this is SONNY we're talking. The guy who can go off the handle anytime.

The whole thing is just funny to me. And only because GH is feeling in a PSA mood right now.

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I did think that was quite different for daytime. They started out with Lulu/Johnny in a dog-style position, then they switched to a spooning position and then finally the missionary. That did seem kind of pushin the envelope, especially since most love scenes usually get a fade away of some sort. But the editing was wonderful as well as the lighting. I also thought that Lulu was alittle low on Johnny's chest too when they woke up.

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Liz sure was annoyingly smug today

The TMK reveal would have been a twist had it not been ruined for me before. Loved Sam turning Lucky down and standing on her own. Her scenes with Alexis as always were good.

Lulu, well I hope she feels incredibly guilty for what she's done

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wow. i liked sam for a few scenes today. shocking, but true.

i really want diego to kill her.

loved Liz assuming Ric did that to that girl whos name i still dont know. It fits with his history. I also loved her bringing up how disgusting it is for a man to hold a woman captive and her looking at ric whe she said it. yes ric, we do remember what you did to a prego carly.

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She nearly killed an innocent man by knocking him into a coma. If he dies, his blood is on her hands and any normal person would feel guilty for that, at least I expect her to be. Sleeping with Johnny so soon, who was a big cause of the problems between them in the past few months, while Logan is lying in a coma, just goes to show how low and shallow she is. I find her to be sickening

And she loved and stayed with him despite that, even refusing to help Carly get justice for what Ric had done to her. What does that say about her? Elizabeth has issues with Ric for valid reasons but if that were the case, she shouldnt have showed up at his house throwing accusations and giving him all types of attitudes. She should have just hung up the phone on him.
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Okay, an innocent man? Really? Because as far as Lulu and everyone else but sam knows, He was the TMK. I am sure when it comes out that he wasnt she will feel bad, and honestly, she shouldnt. I love Logan, and i hate Johnny, but Logan was so far out of line. He was angry and hostile and violent twords Lulu and Johnny. She did what she had to do to safe a friend from a violent person with severe anger issues. Furthermore, if Lulu were sitting by Logans bedside worried for him while thinking he was the one who strangled and killed many woman - that would be sickening.

First off, A lot of things say a lot of things about Elizabeth - because she is complex and has layers. Second, Elziabeth is a nurse. Shes a good person who liked to help people. Shes not one to just hangup or walk away when someone needs her help - esp if it is a man that she once loved.

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