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Rock of Love 2


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Its funny bc when I was watching I was thinking, I dont get why the show and girls are making such a big deal about Krissy Jo and blowing things up bc the drama seemed blown out of proportion and exagerated for tv bc they need someone to hate on. But when she pulled that stunt with Amber, I completely understood where they were all coming from about her. She's a nice girl, who isnt malicious, nasty or a skank but she wasnt all that and it wasnt fair for her to expect to be treated as such at the expense of everyone else.

Root for Jessica! She's my favorite to win although I think it might come down to her and Daisy

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My Heather is back, big hair and all! I think her hair has gotten bigger too! I loved seeing her around and so glad she's here next week

Sucks that Megan got eliminated bc I was hoping for Destiny. Megan has bad taste in men. Her wannabe ex was a toad. I had to laugh at how he had those big glasses on his forehead to cover his big bald spot

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I missed it, Cheap21! Can you believe it? What is wrong with me? :lol: I guess now that my Kristy Jo is gone, I no longer have the passion to watch these girls anymore. I can't that believe Megan is gone. I would have expected her to be one of the top 3 at least.

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Ain't that the truth. I was watching a pretty good movie on FX before Dirt. In Her Shoes with Cameron Diaz and Shirley MacLaine. It was just one of those movies where you watched it in the beginning and you just couldn't change the remote because you wanted to see the ending of it. Pretty good movie I may add.

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Okay Cheap21, we're down to the final two. Peyton (I think that's her name) v/s Daisy the mosquito biten lip girl. Who do you think is going to win? I'm thinking Peyton because of the direction that he was facing when he said, "You are my Rock of Love." And that has to be the direction of where Peyton was standing.

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Peyton got eliminated weeks ago. You are talking about Ambre....lol. I think she will win too. Brett would be a fool to believe that Daisy lives in a 1 bedroom apartment with her ex and hasnt had sex with him in 2 years. Who does she think she's fooling? I say Ambre by default but she doesnt seem like she'd fit in his world. Its like she's trying too hard. Id love it if he picked none and went back for Heather :)

Thank god Destiny is out though. Been waiting for that for weeks

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Its Ambre. Thats how she spells her name on the show

Jes realized that he picked the wrong girl at the reunion show and told him that Heather would have been a better pick. They went their seperate ways hence season 2

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I had a dream that I was watching the finale and Daisy won it all. Jes from last season was there as well in my dream. And then she announces that she is going to go back to her boyfriend and Jes tells Bret to go for Heather, which he does.

In the months that they were seperated, Jes fell for another guy. THere were several news reports of that before the finale. Which is why in the finale, we never really saw her and he wasn't upset at all. She broke up with him over the phone.

I do want Ambre to win, I like her

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Yep- Ambre won. I just hope he made the right choice, but I doubt it. He loves all of this stuff because it's VH-1's highly rated reality series. He's totally eatin' it up. But, maybe it would be good for him to have a relationship with someone almost close to his age. But, the re-union show definately looks like a MUST-SEE next Sunday for sure. :lol:

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Now see... Heather I think is nothing but a piece of white trash. But did Daisy actually say that she hooked up with CC? All that I remember her saying was how she partied or something with him. I'm just surprised by the looks of the re-union show that Daisy gets attacked. Well... at least it's not Kristy Jo.... or will it? I guess we'll have to wait this Sunday to find out! :lol:

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