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Barack Obama Elected President!


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They're still not doing a good job communicating the credit issue to the public. I watched CNN briefly and they did this piece on why Bush's message isn't getting through.....well it was all about voters distrusting him. All those strategists and it doesn't dawn on them that they should send someone out with more credibility with a simpler explanation of the problem.

Katie Couric is going to be cursed again because of this:

Is she really saying people should go for change over experience? :lol::lol::lol:

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Hey y'all. Just poppin in for a few minutes this morning to catch up on things.

I saw the Couric and SP clip on Morning Joe this morning. Interesting that she's trying to paint herself as the "change" candidate. She said "new ideas"? I wonder what, exactly, she has brought to McCain's platform that is "new" and was a direct result of her addition to the ticket. Hmmm.

And I was surprised to find on Morning Joe that they are saying "The Age of Obama" this morning alot. Is this sarcasm or what? There was a very interesting election map peice wherein states that haven't been competitive in years - Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia - are now toss ups. And 3 of the previous election's swing states - Ohio, Florida and Penn - are now leaning Obama. Joe was saying this is Obama's high water mark and if it keeps going, we could be looking at a landslide Barack victory in November. Take it for what it's worth, as I always say with polls.

Oh, and by the way, they are reporting that both McCain and Obama will be in Washington today for the Senate vote.

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Palin says media coverage hasn't been sexist

1 hour, 57 minutes ago

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin says she doesn't believe the media's coverage of her has been sexist.

Palin says that while she sees some double-standards in media coverage, she believes it's more attributable to the media elite in Washington not knowing who she is.

In remarks aired Wednesday on CBS' "The Early Show," Palin told CBS News anchor Katie Couric that the coverage has been guided more by the fact that she isn't, in her words, "part of the Washington herd."

Palin says it would be sexist if the media didn't question her about her experience, vision, principles and values.

Palin is preparing for her debate Thursday night with her Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

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I heard on the radio this morning that the Senate was voting on a modified version (which includes increasing the FDIC coverage tp $250,000 and some business tax cuts--which might present a problem for some House Democrats who are opposed to the tax cuts). As long as the Senate is voting on a revision and not the version that was already shot down, it makes sense to me as I did not see the purpose of voting on an already rejected version.

If Morning Joe is calling it Obama anything then I'd take it as sarcasm since Joe Scarborough does not like Obama or at least has given me that impression. He may grudgingly think it is though.

I can't watch that show (I did try). He's about as annoying as Chris Matthews is to me but the difference I see in the two is that Scarborough is a firm Repbulican and Matthews seems as if he won't let party lines hinder him even if right now he leans toward Obama (though he loves to fantasy campaign manage for him and expects Obama to resolve people's hangups).

Matthews will praise Republicans and Democrats alike when they say something that he likes and he is equal opportunity when pointing out to a guest that he/she hasn't answered his question. Scarborough just has a tendency to jump all over any guest that is Democrat regardless. I don't care what a show host's bias is, I don't find it useful to invite people on only to attack them for having a different political viewpoint.....especially when you don't want to allow the person to finish speaking. Now Scarborough may not do it often but the times I've seen his show or seen him filling in for David Gregory, he's done it.

Then there's Barnicle....Mika....

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The debate is tomorrow night. The moderator is Gwen Ifill. The moderator has a financial interest in Barack Obama winning in November. How can I say that? Because Ifill has a book due out around inauguration day. Here's the Amazon.com link for Ifill's book titled "The Breaktrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama".Take a look at the publication date. January 20, 2009. Now what happens to Ifill's book if Barack Obama is not sworn in on that day? Easy ... it doesn't sell. So could someone please tell me why she's moderating this debate when clearly she has a financial interest in making Sarah Palin look bad?

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By now you may have learned that they were probably mocking the title of Gwen Ifill's book since she's the moderator of the VP debate. Now why it took this long for the Republicans to uncover this tidbit is beyond me and if they see it as a reason for her having bias towards Obama/Biden they should have stated that position when they were made aware that she was selected as a moderator.

I am sure all of the moderator's have a preferred candidate since how human would they be if they didn't have a preference. The question is whether or not they have the ability to moderate a debate without allowing their bias to shine through. From what I've seen of Gwen Ifill, she stays on topic in discussions and except for when I saw her speak about Tim Russert, she doesn't inject personal feelings into political discussions.

Her book is going to be sold whether or not Obama/Biden wins the Presidential election because her book is not about how Obama won the White House. It's about various politicians including Obama.

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Yeah, she let's the book be known after the fact...so its the Republicans fault? Are you serious?

This entire scenario is very highly unethical..! Somehow I have a feeling you would be singing a different tune, if she had written a book about "The Age of McCain".

That's not what I have heard from her moderating technique during the Cheney/Edwards debate in 2004

"During a vice-presidential candidate debate she moderated in 2004 – when Democrat John Edwards attacked Republican Dick Cheney's former employer, Halliburton – the vice president said, "I can respond, Gwen, but it's going to take more than 30 seconds."

"Well, that's all you've got," she told Cheney. "

Ifill told the Associated Press Democrats were delighted with her answer, because they "thought I was being snippy to Cheney."

VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book

And do you actually think her book will sale more or less copies depending on an Obama win??

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ITA, her book is about the emergence of black politicians in America and Obama is just one of many. Her book is available for sale on Jan 20th.

I don't see this as an issue for her moderating the VP debate. She is very professional and does stay on topic. I felt she was an excellent chioce as a moderator.

Sara Palin makes Sara Palin look bad.

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Again, IMO you would singing a different tune if the moderator had written a Pro-McCain book..The book is mostly about Obama, he is in the title for God's sake!

Does January 20th fall on a special day?? Yes, inaguration day! Not a coincidence!

If Obama wins she will sale more books, plain and simple! This is highly unethical, she has a vested interested in Obama/Biden!

If the debate was an actual court proceeding, this would be grounds for a mistrial! The judge should not be partial in any way. The moderator of a debate asks the questions and alots the time..

This woman should have known better!

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To say there is nothing wrong with it...is a bigger reach..IMO!

She has more influence over the debate that any one person except for the candidates themselves. I don't believe I ever said she could influence the entire election.

My point has been that, her having a vested interest in Obama/Biden while also moderating the debate is unethical..

According to whom or what?

I think being the author of a book supporting a candidate in this election, kind of cuts into her "fairness" credibility coming into this particular debate!

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Gwen Ifiil is not responsible for the incompetency of the McCain camp. They agreed to her being the moderator on the 6th of August. Had they done their research prior to accepting her then they would have found out the things that are being said to discredit her now since they aren't things that just happened this week.

One little search on google would have netted a Washingon Times post dated Wednesday, July 23, 2008 with this quote:


I think it's disgusting that Republicans would rather smear a journalist than admit to the incompetency of McCain's campaign. If McCain does not want her to moderate the debate, then he should say so and ask for a replacement on which both sides can agree instead of making it sound as though Gwen Ifill were some underhanded person who just popped on to the scene last month with the intent of bringing him down and making money over it.

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