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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Barack Obama has NEVER begged for anything in his life and i don't think he's about to start now!

Unless he has major dirt in his closet( John kerry gave him a very close look 4 years ago and passed him over ) i think Bill Richardson will be his running mate if Billary don't come up with a plan to steal this thing!

Why doesn't the media or anyone else talk about all the Obama supporters who would not support Hillary?

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I know politicians are dishonest to different degrees and some of them still come across okay anyway. There's something about her brand of dishonesty that doesn't sit well with me and I can't get a fix on the different persona she tries to use. I especially find the way she is going about trying to win the nomination very distasteful. I have no issue with her fighting for the job but the degree of manipulation and constant changing of goal posts, etc is disturbing and not something I want to see in any elected official or any person in a position of importance either.

Maybe because they haven't gone to the extremes that some of hers have gone to lately. Anyway they at least shattered the myth about the great significance of KY and as far as I'm concerned the fact that 7% of the people voting in the WV primary wrote John Edwards in tells me that had his name been on the ballot, he would have likely gotten the majority of the votes.

They have also said that Democrats don't win the majority of the white vote. I want to see how the Democrats work their way out of this mess.

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The Note: Math (and) Class

Clinton Massages Numbers and History, While McCain Faces New Pastor Problem


May 22, 2008

While Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton makes us sit through math class (and threatens to keep us after school to finish our social studies homework), Sen. Barack Obama would rather be at football practice, getting ready for the big game. (Sen. John McCain, facing a new pastor problem, is trying to get out of detention.)

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., staying strong in the race although her rival, Sen. Barack Obama, D-I.L., seems to be the likely nominee.

(Al Behrman/AP Photo )On just one day on the trail, Clinton, your champion of democracy . . . accused the Democratic National Committee of a policy that violates "our most fundamental values as Democrats and Americans"; placed a disagreement over convention delegates alongside battles over slavery and women's suffrage; and equated the spat over Florida and Michigan with disputed elections in brutal Zimbabwe.

(Quick -- let's make sure Camp Clinton was OK with the voting on "American Idol." If you live in Florida or Michigan, and you picked David Archuleta, you might have a champion for your cause.)

It all points to one ugly endgame to the Democratic nomination. Clinton, D-N.Y., doesn't have to directly attack Obama for her message to be heard: These same crowds will soon be told that it's time to support Obama (presumably by Clinton, among many others) are now hearing (essentially) that the candidate is standing in the way of their constitutional rights.

"On the trail and in interviews, she raised a new battle cry of determination, likening her struggle for these delegates to the nation's historic struggles to free the slaves and grant women the right to vote," Katharine Q. Seelye and Jeff Zeleny write in The New York Times.

It's Clinton's "most emphatic argument yet for counting the votes in Michigan and Florida," per ABC's Eloise Harper, made in a place that knows a thing or two about disputed elections: Palm Beach County, Fla.

(OK -- so we can agree that Denver is not Seneca Falls. But how long before Obama, D-Ill., just lets Clinton have her delegates? Even the best-case scenario for Clinton erases barely a roughly a quarter of her 194-delegate deficit.)

Obama tells the St. Petersburg Times' Adam C. Smith that giving Florida half of its allotted delegates would be "a very reasonable solution," but said the primary shouldn't be allowed to count fully: "It's pretty hard to make an argument that somehow you winning what is essentially a name recognition contest in Florida was a good measure of electoral strength there," Obama said.

Responded Clinton: "I think that is disingenuous but it's also insulting to the 1.7-million Floridians who actually turned out to vote," she said, per Smith, "recounting a South Florida canasta club that fervently followed the primary."

("Disingenuous"? From the candidate who says she's winning the popular vote? "Insulting"? Remind us again of who's trying to change the rules?)

Obama strategist David Axelrod also offers an olive branch -- with perhaps slightly longer reach than Obama's: "We are open to compromise. We're willing to go more than halfway," he tells NPR's Michele Norris. "I guess the question is: Is Senator Clinton's campaign willing to do the same?"

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