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Check This Out.

We now know EXACTLY where she stands on this.

From CNN:

Clinton recalls 2000 Florida recount in push to count votes

Posted: 04:16 PM ET

From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby

Clinton is making three campaign stops in Florida Wednesday.

BOCA RATON, Florida (CNN) – Making a last-gasp campaign swing through Florida on Wednesday — just ten days before the Democratic National Committee will decide the fates of the disputed Michigan and Florida delegations — Hillary Clinton forcefully pressed for the primary votes in Michigan and Florida to be counted "exactly as they were cast."

"It is well within the Democratic party rules to take this stand," she said, defending her position in front of a sizeable audience at a Boca Raton retirement community. "The rules clearly state that we can count all of these votes and seat all of delegates, pledged and unpledged if we so choose, and the rules laid out make clear the process for doing so."

It was Clinton’s first campaign stop in Florida since the night of the state’s primary on Jan. 29, and Clinton picked a suitable venue to make her case for counting every vote: Palm Beach County, ground zero of the politically-charged 2000 Florida recount.

"We believe the popular vote is the truest expression of your will," she said. "We believe it today just as we believed it back in 2000, when right here in Florida, you learned the hard way what happened when the votes aren’t counted and a candidate with fewer votes is declared the winner."

The New York senator made repeated allusions to the 2000 recount and proclaimed that the Democratic party, the party of civil rights, has a duty to county every vote to determine the true intent of the electorate. Moreover, she argued, counting the votes is a simple matter of American democracy.

“I have heard some say counting Florida and Michigan would be changing the rules,” she said. “I say not that not counting Florida and Michigan is changing a central governing rule of this country, that whenever we can understand the clear intent of the voters, their vote should be counted.”

She avoided criticizing Barack Obama directly, but Clinton tied Obama’s decision to remove his name from the Michigan primary ballot to the current predicament facing Democrats in Michigan and Florida.

“I know that Sen. Obama chose to remove his name from ballot in Michigan and that was his right,” Clinton said, “but his choice does not negate the votes of all those who turned out to cast their ballots, and we should not let that process rob all of you from your voices.”

“You didn’t break a single rule and you should not be punished for what happened beyond your control,” she added.

Earlier in the day, on a flight from Washington, D.C. to Florida, Clinton aides spoke to reporters and emphasized Florida’s general election importance, stressing their belief that Clinton, not Obama, would fare better in the state this fall against John McCain.

The campaign also revealed a new metric by which to gauge their late-blooming momentum this primary season: Since the end of February and excluding previous contests, said spokesman Mo Elleithee, Clinton has won more contests, more delegates and the overall popular vote.

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I just read that hillary might take this race to the convention. :blink: I have no problem with hillary staying in this race for the next two weeks when the ruling for MI/FL will be final, and the last primaries. But this is really ridiculous for her to stay in after that, by then most of the SD's would have chosen their candidate, so why would she take the race all the way to the convention? Bill and Chelsea need to get her over this denial, thats just plain unhealthy.

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Bill and Hill should go watch "The War Room" and listen to Bill's comments when Jerry Brown refused to bow out.

BTW, I'm certainly saddened by the news about Senator Kennedy. He is such a force for people who do not have a voice.

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I hope it does not go that far but I did read the same thing...let's get this resolved by the end of June and go to the convention with a nominee and a vice president as well

I think Obama sees this of her as being ambitious and a fighter, which are good things to have in a VP. This could encourage him to pick her for VP if he is the nominee

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Jess the problem with the Clintons is that they disregard what they said and did before it it conflicts with what they want now. The party leaders can only blame themselves for this mess and they can continue to say that everyone will be one big happy family but this gets uglier every day. Yesterday it was all about sexism and today it's Obama's fault for not chiming in on this crap about the poor voters and the 2000 election reference is ludicrous.

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That won't happen. Bill and Hill don't want to face things they may have said in the past.

Almost like "That's what I said but not what I meant."

It'll be done real soon. And the B.O. can get on with the general election.

But you know, if anyone in the Obama camp is listening, with them making that 2000 reference, they can come back with this........

Al Gore won the popular vote, and guess whose president?

I also feel she is now doing serious harm to her chnaces for him picking her as his VP.

And she will destroy those chances if this goes past June 3rd.

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Then she may as well go for broke because the two of them on the same ticket is a bad combination. There are the obvious issues in terms of the campaigning thus far. his message and her high negatives. Then the way in which she gets on the ticket might be problematic with some of his supporters. But the biggest problem is that combining a candidate that has to deal with some aspect of racism with one that has to deal with some aspect of sexism is a bad combination. People who are having trouble accepting either but that might be okay with one will not be okay with both.

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She is hurting herself too. One of two things will come out of this election. The good ol US of A will either demonstrate that it is ready to elect a non-white male or this will be the last time a non-white male is nominated for decades. In many respects, Hillary and Obama are in this together: neither is a white male and both are making history against all odds. Even if Obama wins, Hillary is slowly losing the stature that she acquired in the party. I anticipate the SDs will line up behind Obama within the next 10 days. If Hillary stays in the race until the convention, it is in my opinion a mistake for her.

I also think if she gracefully exists, she will have a key role in the convention and she will be a leader in the party. If she goes to convention -- toast.

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The popular vote argument is useless because the numbers don't reflect the caucuses and if anyone is advocating that every vote be counted then the number of people voting in caucuses should be included in the total as well. Since the bottom line is that the delegates are what really counts then saying that is supposed to impress the SDs.

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For me, I don't count Michigan because his name wasn't on the ballot.

And I never will. So........since we have that little bit of news that keeps getting washed over, she is behind in the popular vote.

But........we do need to remember. Clinton math and real math are two entirely different things.

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