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Barack Obama Elected President!


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That's pretty interesting on the advisors. I like Wesley Clark and think he would be a very good SOD or VP. He has supported Clinton, but I think he and Obama would work well together. Clark has spoken a lot against the war.

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I also think he should reach across the way, and pick Chuck Hagel to be a part of his team. A good man. And, a real maverick, not the one the MSM has tried to make out of McCain, whose nickname is Flip-Flop.

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I am respecting opinions but I don't agree with someone acting like an enforcing HO (BTW, I am not saying anyone is this...this term is just used as an inside joke between a friend and myself at another forum) and saying what is a relevant and irrelevant argument. It disprespects those who are engaging in that argument and making it out as if they are stupid to be arguing what this person says is irrelevant. What she deems irrelevant is relevant to others and she is not authorized to make that call.

If someone implies that another is stupid for arguing in, what they say, a pointless argument...then no I won't respect that opinion. Just like I don't respect opinions that are bigoted, hateful, rude, crass, prejudicial, offensive. Not every opinion deserves respect.

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I think Chuck Hagel would be good too. I remember Clinton had a Republican for secretary of defense (may have been state). I think Bush had a Democrat at transportation or somewhere. Hagel has stood against his party on the war. There was an article today mentioning him as VP. I don't think that would be very good because the VP is positioned well to become president and I don't think Obama should position a Republican.

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Oh I agree. I think somewhere in the Defense of Justice Departments would be good.

He has to think of getting re-elected in four years (If he is fortunate enough to win) and I think bringing good, solid Republicans, who truly care more about country than the party or that partisan, silly bullshit will help get off to a good start.

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I am going to say this again. Respect the opinions of everyone who posts here. You certainly do no have to agree on everything, but please stay on topic and respect other's opinions. This is going for everyone in this thread.

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I think both Obama and McCain are willing to work across the isle. We are fortunate in that way. Of course, McCain wants to continue the Bush policies and I don't think that will be too popular. The election results in Mississippi and Louisiana have really been interesting. Both of those elections were for Republican held seats.

On a related note, someone last night said they though Leberman would be McCain's choice for Vice President. The two of them seem to be taking little road trips together. I wonder if McCain is testing the water with the former Democrat.

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I think so.

If he wants to bury himself, pick him. I don't think JL would make a good VP. CH would do him better, but the Republican Party seems to still be sticking with the same things that are costing them seats in Congress. It's turning people off. The results in Miss. should make the Party sit up, but the ultra right wing has taken it over.

If they want to be successful in the future, it's time for them to grab hold of the party and yank it back to the center.

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Richardson would help Obama win over the Hispanic vote in a major way and he has major FA cred.

A Hispanic vote would pretty much all go to Obama if Richardson was on the ticket , McCain may still get the Cuban vote becuase of fear that Obama would open up talks with Raul Castro!

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If you aked 1000 Hispanic peeps would they sooner see Gov Bill Richardson be VP or Hillary Clinton how may would say Mrs Clinton?


Richardson being VP would be just as history making as Obama taking the White House.

Rightly or wrongly if Obama wins the White House the VP spot will be more important thatn ever given the sense of Danger many people have about some nutcase trying to kill him.

However he's so weell gaurded right now( I read that he has just as many SS agents as Mr.Bush) just think what it would be like if he wins.

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