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New Years Resolutions


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1. I vow to stay healthy and not see the inside of a hospital room all year

2. I vow to try to let go of past grudges and let time heal all wounds

3. I vow to be a nicer person to everyone

4. I would vow to lose weight but the chances of that happening is about as good as George Clooney showing up at my door at midnight tonight.

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1) Attempt to be a better person not only for myself, but for those who I interact with who look up to me

2) Get into better shape and get back into a healthy lifestyle. I've slacked off the past couple months.

3) Attempt to not let petty bullshit get the best of me, and learn to let go of the drama.

4) Eliminate those from my life who do nothing but give me grief

5) Work on taking the necessary steps to further my career and education

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To get the ball rolling on my higher education. I was excellent during highschool and then all of sudden decided to waste all my potential in college. SO I'm working on getting back to the straight A student I used to be. 3 A's and 1 B last semester and hopefully I'll get 4 A's this upcoming Spring. My main goal ils to transfer to NC State by Fall and then work extremely hard to get into Pharmacy School or Business School.

And I want to get really obsessed with the gym and develop a nice body (vain I know but I can't help it...)

And then finally I want to love myself enough to not go seeking love in the wrong places or with the wrong people.

Anyways Happy New Years to everyone! I hope 2008 is a great year for everyone! Hopefully it will start off great with Barack Obama winning IOWA!

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it was going to be drink less but i decided that i dont like that one so...

1) to drink more water

(because i drink a bottle of water like, once a month)

2) to go running more

(because once a week is kinda pointless)

3) to go to disneyland as much as possable

(because i got a season pass so its free)

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