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Character for a Day

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I thought this would be a fun diversion. If you could be any character for a day, male or female, who would you be? And why would you be this character?

For a female, this may surprise some. I would want to be GH's Sam McCall. But only the recent incarmnation of Sam. The one that gets to punch the crap out of Carly. I would love to be her and take no prisioners

For a male. OLTL David Vickers. He is so swarmy and so funny. Anyone that is such a perfect fir for Dorian I want to be. He can get out of anything and I love it.

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Tishy, as one of my fave posters im upset u picked the female char i hate most in daytime... lol.

but ill get over it.

Male - Patrick on GH. why> so i could look at myself in the mirror... if ya know what i mean :P

Female - humm. this is hard. Old school sami on days? yeah. she would be fun.

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B&B: Brooke (so that I am made love to by Nick and Ridge).

Stephanie: So that I can order everyone around.

Y&R: Jill--nuff said! :D



Y&R: Brad (just to feel how it is to be that hot)

AMC: The unaborted one (just to feel how it is to be that hot)

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Aww... a woman after my own heart. I love girls like Maxie IRL. i dont know why. something about the im a stuck up selfish needy bitch who will use you and string you along and break your heart blond bimboness is just... amazing to me! maybe its because im 75% gay, or because i grew up watching soaps, or because i like to play Capitan save a ho. lol. anyways...

I would prefer the robin to my patrick! but early scrubs status yes? all cute and romantic with witty banter.

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