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GH: Week of Dec 10th

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Today was good, IMHO.

Loved the way they got lulu down to the PD to see Johnny there, but in a non selfish way for once

I loved how GH kept Maxie's face red. she didnt want to go home. etc... this has been the most real part yet.

and as for coop. he looks to guilty now, IMHO.

loved the spencer/q family drama as well.

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I"m guessing you meant "too" right? And I totally agree...they are basically screaming it outloud that hes the murderer...but if thats the case then whats his motive? My only guess is that maybe he'll turn out to be Brenda's son and that this will be revenge against Sonny, Jason, and all those he thinks mistreated her. Especially since she is supposedly "dead". I think thats a pretty interesting idea and a part of me hopes that this is the case.

Todays episode was pretty good. Loved the Luke & Lulu scenes...I just zoned out the idiot Lucky. Lulu clutching that pillow in her dad's room was just heartbreaking stuff.

Umm yeah I'm officially confused as to why the hell Emily was on today's show.

Loved Diane as usual. Loved her defending Johnny. Loved seeing Mac made out to be a fool. Such an idiot. The sad part is that there are policemen just like him and Harper. Oh I dunno why don't you just do YOUR JOB and stop grasping at imaginary strings.

Loved Johnny walking in on her and Logan in Luke's room...DRAMA! Clearly he's falling for Lulu and I think its so romantic and sweet.

P.S. Memo to Lulu...I love yah girl and I hope you find true love but please let me have whomever you decided NOT to love. Preferably Johnny Z...he's just smoking hot.

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Brenda isnt "dead". Im not sure what you meant by that. She left town to go live in Europe where she's been for the last few years. She's been referenced over the years by characters like Lois and Robin and she's very much alive and everyone knows it

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^thats what i was thinking but everytime im 100% sure of something im wrong so i didnt say anything, lol.

I miss Brenda. I miss vanessa on GH. I want her back.. now! Brenda vs Kate? fierce. Brenda vs LW's Carly? awsome. Brenda & Robins friendship again! Plus i always loved her relationship with the Q family, even tho i have yet to understand how/why that happend. Also i loved scenes with Vanessa & Tony G.

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Word word and WORD. Especially about Brenda vs Kate (I think Kate would be real competition, actually -- Brenda may not be able to compete with a First Love!) and about Brenda getting in with the Qs and bringing them out of themselves. In fact, maybe Brenda would be one step towards revitalizing this decimated family. Bringing back AJ as a worthy adversary of Saint Jason would be another.

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I couldn't agree more. Brenda could be just what the Q family needs. She could be there for Monica. Doesn't Edward have a soft spot for her as well? Bring back Ned full time, because she and him have a history. And I think AJ needs to come back to - in the form of someone other than BW tho. I just never bought BW as a strong male lead, even tho i enjoy his acting (much like BD as Lucas on Days!). Would they ever bring SK back? What about Dan G. (ex-Kevin, OLTL)... or other various people. Also brenda & Tracy are sure to have a hate/hate relationship.

and Brenda vs Kate would be amazing, not only just because of how fierce it would be to have Vanessa & Megan in a scene together, but because both char;s are complex and have so many layers to them, and they both work(ed) in the fashion biz.

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LOL, I have always liked Billy Warlock's AJ as he really gave the character so many layers. But I cannot see BW returning to GH under Guza's watch -- especially because AJ was what Ric is today: Sonny and Jason's whipping boy. Anytime Guza wanted to prop up his Mob Heroes, he would make AJ look bad.

The only recast possible, in my view, is Sean Kanan who was a GREAT AJ. And, probably, a much fiercer, angrier, more pro-active AJ. PLUS the fact that he is Steve Burton's cousin IRL might give him an "in" in terms of having his character written with more strength and focus. SK did say that working at GH was like being traped in a "nest of vipers" though! But given that GH was very forgiving about KS's DUI arrest a few months, they might be inclined to do the same thing for SK, lol.

I know! Potentially it would be great because not only might they be on opposite sides when it comes to Sonny but, in a lot of ways, they are also very much alike and could be natural friends. Certainly Brenda might have to weigh up a possible alliance with Kate against Carly whom she has ALWAYS hated.

I would certainly be interested in seeing VM and MW interact because, if Michele Val Jean or Karen Harris wrote their relationship, we could well have chemistry-filled "frenemy" pairing on our hands (just like Brenda & Robin are an awesome BFF pairing, if you see what I mean). Two characters who hate each other for holding on to a piece of Sonny's heart. But who also could grudgingly grow to respect one another while still trading barbs.

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i did think it was funny that both KS & SK both got DUI's around the same time. But i could be wrong here but i have heard that his attitude on GH set wasnt all that nice twords the end. but that was what, over 10 yeras ago now? so maybe they will be over it. I think he would be great, and i could see SK paired up with so many GH women - Megan Ward's Kate; KmMcC's Robin, maybe even he could make me like KeMo's Sam again!

Cat, I LOVE YOU! :wub: ... not just for pointing out how amazing this could all be, but for the use of the term Frenemy, my fave word ever.

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me too <_<

today i liked.. spencers/baldwins... i like blaze/luke very much.. awww laura

i flove kin :wub:

i like nadine and finally get to see regina again

seriously johnny is wasted on lulu

hmmmmmmm... that's all i got

and oh yeah, family luv!

i really hope coop isnt the killer since they make it so obvious .. but i'll just guess its that new cop..w/e his name is its always the newbie

so does that mean cruz is gone?

the other hald of the cast seems to be on vaca.. no wonder we get the vets

excited to see Luke's hell :lol:

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