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ATWT Thursday November 29

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I really enjoyed ATWT today.I also noticed that the baby storyline with Gwen,Will,Barbara,Allison,Aaron,Cole,Sophie,and Iris seems to have been sped up quite a bits.I say that because Sophie told Allison in a flashback that she was in her 3rd trimester.It's like are you kidding.They had to have sped this story up at lightning speed because it seemed like a 1 to 2 months ago Sophie was going to have an abortion.I loved Barbara giving Iris the evil eye because it was so funny it had me rolling.It seemed like they had Allison be Nancy Drew in figuring out that the closed adoption didn't seem like a coincidence.Is this story being sped up by the writer's strike?I say that because with Sophie being in her 3rd trimester already she has to be at least 7 to 9 months along.2 years ago when Jennifer Munson was pregnant with baby Johnny she got pregnant with Craig's baby in March and gave birth in July which made her ONLY 4 Months along.But then later it was commented on that the baby was born when Jennifer was seven months along.That meant in logic that the story was sped because the baby switch storyline began when Cady Mcclain and Hunt Block were leaving the show at the time.Either way I liked that ATWT wasn't dragging the story out,it was like in the days when Hogan Sheffer was still writing show at a lightning pace.Because back in 2004 when Terri Columbino( Katie ) was going on maternity leave the Pilar storyline was finished ahead of schedule giving Columbino an extended maternity leave.Whoever is wrapping this story up is doing " A Hogan" because JP would drag this story on forever when and it can't be JP writing.With this writer's strike still on I think the scabs will have Meg's baby story sped up ,too with it being born in time for Feb. sweeps or at least March with that being my theory.

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The show sucked so much...I felt myself wishing for Hell Quad scenes.

OTHER than getting to see Barbara, the Baby Drama is a waste of time. TIIC must even think so, because it's getting the Hoganesque wrap-up...suddenly Alison, TeenSleuth, makes the most outlandish connections..(duh...Gwen's getting a baby, and the only other girl I've spoken to in months is giving up her baby...BINGO!!!) to speed this crap along.

Will's haircut, however, was nice.

I hate Lily, but even she doesn't deserve to get hammered by her Know-It-All, I'm Bummed My Boyfriend Won't Say I LOVE YOU, LUKE-son. Where his lecture came from (if you have to lie about who you want to be with...blah blah) is beyond me.

Boy, you know someone is stiff, when even their workout clothes look starched. Yes, Holden, I'm talkin' 'bout you.

And Duchess Bonnie plays basketball???? ON WHAT PLANET??? Idiot writers.

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LOVED the show today and the break from the QUADS.

Noah and Luke were really cute together. Van is so awesome. He's such a pro.

I loved Luke and Lily's conversation. I loved the Dusty/Noah little interaction. It seemed more realistic than the other day.

Bonnie was smoking hot and nice to see Holden smile.

I thought Cole and Iris were great together and really funny. Chris Heuisler is an excellent actor.

Looks like the baby drama is going to explode soon.

With JP at the helm, you more more baby stories will be starting any minute.

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The look on Luke's face when Noah called him a friend was priceless. I thought he'd leap out of that chair and slap him like a pimp whose ho stole his money. And yet he went on to believe every lame excuse Noah came up with. :lol:

It looks like Bonnie has decided to land a man on an man's turf, booty shorts and all!

I don't know when TPTB decided that they could only focus on 2 stories per day, but the change is tiresome now. That's why the same 10 characters are jumping around town so quickly. Nobody else is getting their airtime.

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I thought today's show was ok. It was missing other storylines today. It was nice seeing Barbara today. Loved Iris calling her Babs...Barbie...LOL.

I didnt recognize Will at first with that new haircut.

Oh dont get me started with Luke. He was a total [!@#$%^&*] to Lily today. He needs to take care of his own problems with Noah. He has no right to tell Lily what to do. When did Holden become the only part of the marriage to flirt around? Pleaseeee Luke you have a lot to learn.

Seriously, Luke and Noah are just being shown for the hell of it. Their storyline hasnt moved one damn bit! Why were they even on today? The writers are making a big mistake in not moving forward with this story. New viewers arent going to wait for their story to start moving again.

Eh..Holden is an [!@#$%^&*]! He is a prick!!

Cole and Iris were ok.....I have a feeling the only reason they are tolerable is because

. Chris Heuiler is good at being a dirt bag...lol. I dont think he is greater than any other actor on ATWT.

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