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AMC: Wednesday

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Phenomenon Ryan

Wow there must be some phenomenon going on right now to have it inflicted into Ryan's brain that he is some Mr. Know H0 It All about people that he barely even knows by the blow so keep it on the down low and go with the flow! Sheesh he just acts like he knows it all about little Mr. Ritchie Novak and thinks he has him all figured out but has barely even known him for six months..the time it takes him to solve a puzzle on Wheel of Fortune that is only seven letters long! Yep I tell you Ryan just acts like the end all know it all about people that he just thinks he knows but in reality knows nothing about them. I can only see Socrates questioning Ryan right about now about his endless knowledge on people and on various subjects. After all, he never went to medical school but managed to bring Greenlee out of her psychotic stupidor and even take off the restraints so that she can scratch him all over like a cat high on cocaine! Seriously someone needs to put this idiot out of his misery because I have had it with him just thinking that he has the scoop on just about everybody and that he is in the know about what makes them tick and lick and stick and fakick and mimic. Good lord Ryan can probably tell how Ritchie walks, how he brushes his hair, how he counts Condi Rice's lies by 2s, recite multiples of 5s Dynamite Kiddo style, and so much more. Man if I ever need to know something about someone, I will turn to the down low H0 who knows it all and will lie, cheat, scheme, and steal and just get downright dirty and nasty to do it and that would be the Con Artist of the Century, Mr. Ryan Lavery. The one who can pull rabbits out of a miniature sized d1ck as well as manage to inspect the brain of George W. Bush. Oh oops there is no brain to inspect but then again neither is there with Ryan. Thankfully the neurosurgeons of this time do not have to worry about doing a careful operation because Ryan is so stupid that he thinks "Yo M@m" jokes means that M@ma's first name is Yo! Pathetic creature idiot pontificating a$$ goblin Ryan is!

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My God the show was boring today. This show is so inconsistent.

Oh - and who in the [!@#$%^&*] does Aiden think he is? Forcing himself into this guy's home, fighting him, holding him up at gunpoint, threatening him, and locking him in his closet? Did I miss something at the beginning that could even possibly explain his actions here? If this is going to be Aiden's way of saving Greenlee, then I don't want this couple together. That is not rootable.

Oh, and where is R Sinclair? I miss him!

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Oh ITA. Aiden has no idea where Greenlee is, and taking it out on some random guy who doesn't know who or where Greens is either! The epi was verry boring, there was nothing going on at all. It was all just same old same old. However, I don't think B&E are nearly as bad as McTavish was in her final months - those were just awful, IMO.

And where is R Sinclair!! I know his Mandy has been writing a couple of the episodes, but I want to hear more of his "Slavery" definition of the show. It's all too funny! ;)

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Wow, I agree completely. How horrible is this show? It's not even watchable anymore. Greenlee acting like Kendall? Why? I love Greens and hopes Aidan finds her soon, but this is so dull. Richie/Annie/Ryan/Babe storyline is so boring... The only thing good is a new storyline for JR and him confessing to what he "didn't" do obviously. Ava/JR could be good..but it's just slim pickings. AMC is just so bad right now, and most of the time I can find good in it. Now I just can't. B&E have to go.

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I'm right here -- just not participating in these AMC threads anymore. First of all, I haven't watched a single episode of this crap fest since November 12, and second of all, last week's "Slavery Debate turned Zendall Airtime vs. Greenlee Airtime Bitchfest" made me say to hell with it.

Not to mention today (Thursday) is my first day off in six days.

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