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ATWT: Monday November 26th Discussion

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Oddly, I find myself liking the Dusty/Noah scenes, even though they're just odd. Nice seeing Lucinda...even if it's just to ream Lily out again.

Jack has balls of steel to ask for "another chance" from Katie, when the reason they broke up has nothing to do with Carly's lie. And he still can't help himself from running to Carly's rescue. If he was serious about Katie, all he had to do was call the police and have them figure out what was going on with Carly. P.S., Jack, it's no longer your house.

And note to Katie...if you want a PRIVATE conversation to remain private...how about taking five steps and going into your office? (The same goes for any other coughprivatecough moments you want to perform in public.)

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Today's show was ok. It wasnt great but it wasnt bad. I loved seeing Lucinda today. Jack is totally ruined too. I wish Carly would have told him off. Seriously, Jack thinks he is Gawd! He believes he is Mr. Perfect. Boy are they making me hate Jack more ever day. Jack needs to suffer and be all alone.

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Honestly, there's a teensy part of me that thinks he deserves to beg at Katie's feet and be on the receiving end of the "you're a screw up" speech. Then it depresses me, because Jack has been ruined to play up Katie's "growth".

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Jack is pathetic!! His begging to Katie was sickening!! He has lost all my respect! Seriously, when did Katie become this saint woman he cant live without? I hate they way they are writing Jack. Jack needs to get his balls back and admit how loves Carly........no matter all the faults she has.

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Oh how I love Kit with Carly! Finally I have a reason to watch one of soaps best actresses! I just hope they don't turn Kit bad and let Carly have a friend and let us viewers see some color. My only complaint are those whack ass wigs they have on Bonnie and Kit. I see why Victoria Rowell said she had to fight for hairdressers who knew out to fix black people's hair.

The return of Lucinda was fab. I just wish she could get WorldWide back and be treated like a proper character again. My only complaint would be her pimping Holden. He is a total dog and Lucinda should want her daughter FAR away from him. Dusty and Lily are so cute together anyway. She hasn't been this alive in years.

I enjoyed the scenes with Dusty and Noah. It's a throwback to the forgotten relationship between John and Dusty. Now Dusty is repaying the favor.

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It honestly hurt me to watch Jack today, he was so totally PATHETIC begging that useless twit to take him back. If he could see what's right before his eyes and stop being so blinded by his Carly hate, he'd see that his pweety pink "soulmate" has already filed him under yesterday's news and has her sight set on soulmate #5, his brother! It kills me that they've almost completely ruined one of my all time favorite soap characters in order to pimp some useless piece of fluff like Katie "I never met a good looking guy I didn't want to screw and make my soulmate" Peretti.

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All I have to say is thankfully Aaron was missing today :lol: Seeing as Jack, Holden, and Luke were all acting like total Asses today.

Having said that though I liked the show today, loved seeing Lucinda. I am in total love with Lily and Dusty. Loved the Dusty and Noah talks, and I still think there will be a point to that at a later point.

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I know...I don't get it. It's like he's totally forgotten that he admitted he still loved Carly, and expects Katie to too. I wanted to barf when they traded "I love you still..." crud. Jack "loved" Katie so much, he couldn't keep his lips off Carly; and Katie "loved" Jack so much she couldn't keep tongue out of Brad's mouth five minutes after finding out Jack was in Montana with Carly.

Other than showing how desperate Jack is to use Katie to forget Carly, there's no point to his actions. Everything he's ever told Katie was a lie, and he knows it. He's acting like an idiot.

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Like a jealous idiot. Now that he knows Brad wants her. He doesnt want to lose out to his brother. Didnt Carly tell Katie that Jack only wants what he cant have?? Jack just makes me sick. Carly needs to tell him to [!@#$%^&*] off!!

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Jack loving Carly doesn't change the fact that he loves Katie too. Katie is the one Jack chose to be with before Carly was dying. Katie is the one Jack still wants to be with now that Carly isn't dying.

On the day he was to marry Carly, Jack spoke of his love for her, their history and their children to Holden. He said in spite of all those things, he would've never left Katie if Carly hadn't gotten sick. Jack may love Carly, but he knows he can no longer live with who she is or, IMO, who he is when he is with her. Things are completely different with Katie. He is completely different with Katie. I think Jack sees that as a good thing. Frankly, so do I.

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Jack loving Carly doesn't change the fact that he loves Katie too. Katie is the one Jack chose to be with before Carly was dying. Katie is the one Jack still wants to be with now that Carly isn't dying.

On the day he was to marry Carly, Jack spoke of his love for her, their history and their children to Holden. He said in spite of all those things, he would've never left Katie if Carly hadn't gotten sick. Jack may love Carly, but he knows he can no longer live with who she is or, IMO, who he is when he is with her. Things are completely different with Katie. He is completely different with Katie. I think Jack sees that as a good thing. Frankly, so do I

Of COURSE Jack still loving Carly changes the fact he "loved" Katie too. You can't love two people at the same time. Jack kept saying the right things to Katie, and then PROVING how committed he was to Carly. Not because he had to, not because of the kids. Because he LOVES her. Telling Holden he "never" would have left Katie is some proof of his love? He also admitted that all those buried feelings that came out, that he FINALLY acknowledged when Carly got sick, were there ALL ALONG. How is that "loving" Katie? That's called settling. He used Katie to try and get over Carly.

You're right, Jack is completely different with Katie. And if you like that Jack---the guy who makes empty promises, ignores his children's feelings, and cheats on Katie---that's your prerogative. Why, I don't understand. I'll take the Jack Snyder who is honest about his feelings, and willing to risk everything to be happy. And when he gets to that point, he'll be asking Carly for another chance.

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I still have to disagree that Jack rediscovering the feelings he'd buried (or whatever) for Carly somehow changes or eliminates what he feels for Katie. I think it is entirely possible for someone to love two people at the same time though. Perhaps that is where we fundamentally disagree.

No, I certainly don't think Jack telling Holden he never would've left Katie for Carly if she hadn't gotten sick as proof of his love. His marriage to her is proof enough for me. I don't think Jack was using Katie to get over Carly either. Denying his feelings for Carly may have made falling for Katie easier, but I believe Jack fell for her just the same.

I think Jack did get to the point you spoke of in your post a few weeks ago, only he didn't just risk everything to be happy. He actually gave up everything he had with Katie in order to be happy with Carly in the last few weeks of her life. That didn't end up working out too well for him. It's a mistake I hope I never have to see him make again.

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