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AMC: Are there more changes happening?

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IMO I don't think B&E will be back after the strike, anyone could predict that and don't need a column to do it

LOL that's what I was gonna say basically. She posted HER stuff after SON and other sites broke the news. For someone who supposedly has a "source" that's kind of pathetic. From what I've read her "source" has all but dried up.......

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I believe Frons will buy back Megan in a second. Especially considering how she accomadated to him on whatever he wants with the show.

As to Megan's rating performence even when Megan's stuff was airing I never saw AMC get a rating lower then 2.3 B&E have struck the lowest of the low with being in a last place in terms of total veiwers. I am sure Frons is begging for Megan's performence compared to B & E's seemingly atrocious run. Megan was able to give spikes and was able to bring the ratings with her antics and stunts I don't think any of her sweeps periods went lower then a 2.5 and would go up to 2.6's, 2.7's and even 2.8's at some points. Megan was always able to gain veiwers back with whatever crazy scheme she had. But B & E have been draining the viewers dry and have now put them in a spectacular last place in total veiwers. Geez. I once remembered AMC being in 3rd and 4th place under Megan's reign. Now even AMC's highest rated day can't masure past middle of the pack.

The interim writers and B & E screwed up majorly. Even during Meggie's darkest days I don't remember ratings like these.

The winter of 06' we were starting the Satin Slayer storyline and even that was able to put AMC in the 2.6-2.7 range something that B & E would probably dream of having right now....

No Megan fan but even she didn't screw up this show so much that nobody was watching. I mean seriously 1.9's those are atrocious figures.

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If B&E are fired post-strike, this will be one of the best moves for daytime in the past 10 years. I'm so sick of these crap HWs getting years to turn a show around, which never works. B&E had their shot, were a huge flop and need to go IMMEDIATELY!

OLTL has been turned around in such a way, I hope AMC can as well. AMC airs at the same time as Y&R and I'd love to pick it up since I stopped watching Y&R.

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Well, to me, B&E haven't been so bad. All they really seem to care about is their "Crash" storyline and that's all they really have. They haven't been great, but they haven't been bad. When I look back at some of the McTavish days, I'm glad that she's gone, but she did really have some great stories. I just pray to god that she doesn't come back, but I wouldn't object to yet another change either.

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Do not forget at the end of the babyswitch that AMC reached 2nd place. Overall, I thought Megan did a good job her third time around and gave us some great stories (Bianca's rape, the babyswitch, Bianca hiding her pregnancy from Erica, Bianca/Kendall bond, Zach/Maria/Edmund, Edmund's paralysis, Jonathan/Maggie and domestic violence, Garrett pursuing Danielle and raising awareness about predators, Erica's intervention, Satin Slayer, Zach/Kendall, Bianca/Zoe, Krystal's baby paternity, Janet's reign of terror, Di pretending to be Dixie, JR/Babe, Mardi Gras Ball)

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