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GH: Week Of Nov 19th

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What an amazing episode! So many vets and no Sonny or Jason! Yeah Carly and devil child (who seemed extra obnoxious) were there but the good outweighed the bad by a lot.

Let's see, we got the Q's (Even with Ned and Dylan), Bobbie, Mac, and even Leslie!!

Lesley Charleson totally nailed it today with her scenes with Bobbie and with Skye and Lila Rae. There were just so many touching moments like that that made it seem like a totally different show. I loved what Monica said about her defending St. Jason all these years and having his pathetic life coming back to get them. Zacchara is just as bad as Jason.

WORD to everything Maxie said. Felicia abandoned them and doesn't even care. I loved seeing the Scorpios (+/- a couple) together at Mac's house. We sure don't get to see that set very often. That was a great scene as well.

Thank you to whoever wrote that episode, they did a phenomenal job.

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"Georgie, if you have to tell yourself all these happy little fairy tales to make yourself feel better about being abandoned, hey, thats fine. But mom doesn't have use for us anymore and you know what? the feelings mutual" - Maxie

what an amazing scene they was. it was simple, yet had a point. it showed that Maxie feels rejected and abandoned. Georgie believe her mother is off being a super spy with her father. and i loved how mac tried to stick up for Felecia at first, but then didn't say anything. also LMAO at Georgie traditional Thanksgiving and Maxie was all "stop it" lol. and OMG... GSpin! swoon! and Coopie! OMFG.

"I was just waiting on a text message" - cooper... humm... killer? ... i also loved Mac helping Maxie out, even if he didn't know the entire story, lol. those Coopie scenes were sooo flipin AMAZING!!!

"Thats a lot of father/son bonding for one day" - loved the Logan & Scott scenes as well. and whaat? a mention of Serena? also loved lulu showing up and Scott leaving. i wish Logan or lulu would have stopped him and asked him to stay. the three of them having dinner would be amazing, IMHO.

The Q's were amazing. Bobbie! Monica! Both in one episode! both in one scene! what?! how did this happen?!!! That scene was heartbreaking.

Nick & leslie... again, what? how did that happen? I loved how Nick hasn't changed or showered or done anything but sit there. Loved Nick saying he cant find his strength right now. also loved the nick and Monica scenes. cant wait for Monica to find out nick could be the one who killed her. has anyone else noticed no one has touched Monica? nice touch.

loved Skye & Lila showing up as well. and Edward at the hospital. are we gonna see Alan's spirit mourn for Emily? or Emily & Alan talk? ...

umm.. why the hell hasn't Tracy gone to check on her family? bitch please. at least pick up a phone.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Jax family scenes. Carly wearing a turtle neck, her not wanting to tell the boys they lost yet another person, the romance between Carly & jax, the cute scenes about Carly not cooking. Tho part of me wishes they had Carly take Michael to see Monica. also loved Bobbie showing up... she me mentioned texting as well.. could Bobbie be a killer? with this show...

where is lucky? honestly at this point if it means i don't see SAM i don't care.

and i wish someone would tell Lulu her bro Nick is kinda crazy.

that end montage was beautiful with Luke/Tracy, lulu/Logan, the Jones/Scorpio/boyfriends scene, even Patrick/Leyla were super cute, the Dr's & nurses eating together, all the Q's gathers around Lila Rae, nick walking into his dark castle all alone.

this would be what i say to submit for Emmy's, but this kind of episode doesn't win Emmy's.

previews for tomorrow look AMAZING

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So.. I refused to watch GH when it aired today because I figured it would be the same old same with the mob and Sonny, but I didnt have anything else to watch tonight so I watched it on my DVR and was I surprised. The best episode I have seen in a long time. I couldnt believe all the vets, why does it take a death or a holiday to have episodes like this? If Guza/Frons/Phelps insist on shoving the mob down our throats the least they could do is balance it out and give us an episode like this once or twice a week. I know I would watch more if they did.

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Lila Rae might be the cutest child on Daytime Television.

And I agree I bawled like a baby at the end when Monica and The Q's were all together watching her cute little self and then she glanced at the picture of Emily (looking beautiful as ever).

Just a great episode of General Hospital.

The only thing that ruined it for me was Carly. And I hate how she ruins the character of Jax for me.

Plus I really wanted to see Liason today.

@ Cheap21

I had to fan myself when they first showed Logan...that boy is just TOO HOT!

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