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AMC: Monday

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Ryan is unbelivable! I cant beleive he wants to press charged against Ritchie. Thank god Ritchie threatened him, pilot and doctor for kidnapping, medical assault, etc... They were dead wrong. Ritchie was defending himself and they all had no right to do what they did. I hope he makes them burn. Team Ritchie!

Poor Greenlee. She just got hit with karma. She is finally getting arrested for what she got away with a few months ago and thats attempted kidnapping. Sucks for her how it all went down but it sucked for Kendall when she got off easy without having to face it the first time

Not feeling the Derek recast. I didnt even know they were recasting. I wish they had just gotten random detective #4 for today

Why must they torture me with Adam/Krystal. I really wish they had moved on by now. They are nauesating.

Erica is looking really beautiful. I love the way her hair is styled and it looks so good on her

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I've been curious about what's been going on with "Derek." They made a point a few weeks ago to mention Derek was away visiting Danielle in Hawaii -- which is odd because why would they make a point of explaining his absence when Lt. Perry has been in charge of cases before? :unsure:

That, right there, made me pause. And now the recast?


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Radio Flyer Ryan

Look it's a bird! It's a plane! No it's Super Ryan and he is flying an airplane! Yep he just continues to add skills to his ever long list of things he can do such as turn frogs into princes and therefore name it The Frog Prince after the beloved story and also let's not forget he is like Jesus and turns water into wine but ALSO what makes him better is turning urine into grape juice! So we get the plane that is going as fast as Paris Hilton goes down under on her latest flavor of the month but with no pilot. So who are they going to call for the rescue? Not the Ghostbusters! Not the Merry Men of Windsor! Not the star crossed lovers of Todd and Muffy! Nope but they just have to get it out for his holiness Ryan Lavery! Geez I guess I can just go to Ryan now to figure out how to run a corporation without an MBA and also to fly a plane. He did it just like a pro and did not break out a Dynamite Kiddo sweat. Sheesh just more pimping of the moron and that is exactly what I need. Boy I barely even get to see St. Ryan on the show make an a$$ of himself as he usually does with the bug eyes that are bigger than Pamela Anderson's paid for rack (now she might need more "improvement" and get two for the price of one deal) and then with the accusations and hypocrisy and holier than thou attitude. Boy I am so looking forward to this on every darn show and knowing that Ryan is there to save the day if I am ever in peril. Gosh how much more pimping of this idiot is this show going to do? Maybe I should just go have a beer as the person instructed Ryan on today's show because hey if I pass out from getting drunk, lord knows I will not miss a thing when it comes to his holiness as he never changes and never grows up. Of course he thinks grows up means that you get taller than a three a$$ed giraffe but noooooooooooo it is about maturity and Ryan has about as much maturity as a turnip that is ready to sprout horns and say "hey I am going to H#ll." What a great day for Ryan to fly a plane and act as if he is an experienced HIGH H0 flyer. Gag me!

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LOL at Ryan and the airplane scenes. Gimme a Break! It looked like Ryan was going to turn into the Incredible Hulk. What horrible acting by him. Ugh...when the announcer said...it's all about u....he wasnt kidding! :rolleyes: No wonder AMC is in last place in the ratings.

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It was Michelle Patrick and Rebecca Taylor.

This whole revenge plot is just absurd, everything was so perfectly set up by Kendall that Greenlee went to jail faster than a snap of the fingers, come on. But it wasn't as silly as Ryan landing a plane.

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