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ATWT Thursday September 20th

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I will say this...I will be jumping up and down for joy when Ole Col. Sander...uh, I mean Winston is gone...He's beyond obesessed and demented....but I know they are going to drag this sucker out for another week or two or three...

Someone needs to put a muzzle on Vienna....I am soooooo tired of her constant cheerleading of Katie. I wonder if she'll still be her cheerleader when Katie's attentions go towards another man/

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Now we're getting to the nitty gritty that I assumed would be the case with Noah. Once his homicidal father is done away with, he'll have no family left. I don't have faith that ATWT will commit to a realistic relationship with him and Luke periodically showing displays of affection and actual sex. So should anything go wrong between them, there won't be any other anchors to keep Noah around. Every soap that has had gay characters found a way to squash the relationship or write at least one of the lovers out. -_-

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I have to laugh at all this happy-joy-joy Kack crap. "Twenty fours hours from now, I'll be Mrs. Jack Snyder...and I'll be the happiest man on earth", adds Jack.... Wanna bet? This so reminds me of the festive Mike/Jen nuptials, who spent tons of time rhapsodizing about how right they were together, only to crash and burn within six weeks. I can't stand that Vienna is Katie's little cheerleader either. I hope both girls choke on their words once Carly's illness comes to light. I can't wait until Katie is miserable.

RME...another day of Jack sniping at Carly, for nothing in particular. Meanwhile, Carly's being truly unselfish, trying to hold it together long enough to spend some time with her kids and give Jack and that bimbo a "pleasant" start to their farce of a life together. Carly is by no means perfect, but when push comes to shove, Carly doesn't go around town whining about her problems. It's heartbreaking to see her trying to deal with this as long as she can to spare others.

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^^^^ PJ....I know that when that time comes you will be grinning so hard that you won't know what to do with yourself.

I am not liking how they keep messing with the filming shots when it comes to Noah/Luke scenes. I mean the show was great, but so sick of the dark grainy tint of the show;

Brad wanted to cry so bad for Carly; and I know that Jack is going to be all up in Brad's face as to why he wasn't told IMMEDIATELY about Carly's condition.

I loved the true wedding for Jack (the CarJack wedding scenes).....

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Well I see Jackass is at it again today. What the hell is wrong with this guy? You'd think he was the one with the lesion on his brain!! I can't wait till tomorrow to find out if Fluffy actually makes it all the way down the aisle or not. However I think it will end with Fluffy at the beginning of the aisle(door to Emma's farm...lol) and Jackass looking longingly at her. And then it'll be wait till Monday.

Love Brad today. He was excellent with Carly. I never thought I would say this but Austin Peck is shining in this role. He has really made it his own. He really sucked as Austin on Days but he is really doing well as Brad. And Carly and Brad are great together. Loving this friendship between them. I think Brad is too good for Fluffy now.

Loved the ending with Carly watching the video, and by the way....where are JJ and Parker these days? It's like they dropped off the face of the earth.

Luke and Noah scenes were great today as well. Van is just excellent as Luke and Jake is really coming along as Noah. I really love Van's portrayal of Luke....he is an excellent actor. You really feel everything he says.

And lastly, love this Dusty/Lily storyline. I find it very interesting, and the chemistry beween Lily and Dusty is great. I really wish they would pursue that.

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