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AMC: Tuesday

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I really loved how they acknowledged 9/11 once again. What I loved even more is how they actually referenced last year's special episode when Erica told Kendall she must be strong for Spike and not show fear. Kendall brought up that conversation with Zach today, and how she's failing, and how there is that inner fear deep down that seems to never go away. She finally tried to put herself in Spike's shoes and came to a small realization that Spike is deaf. She is taking baby steps to overcome that fear and be strong for Spike. I was tearing up when Kendall broke down in Zach's arms at the end. KUDOS to AMC and the writers for touching upon last year's episode like that!

Also great to have a moment of silence. It was great listening to Krystal, Jack, Josh, Tad, etc. reflect back on this date 6 years ago. Everyone will remember what they were doing that morning, and it was easy to relate to those scenes today.

The Ava crap was totally out of place and brought the overall episode down though :( They could have shown that crap tomorrow and put in Myrtle, Erica, Palmer, etc. in a scene to reflect on 9/11. Oh well...

Oh and Ryan - you got way too creepy today. If I were Greenlee, I'd go slap a restraining order on him and his men. How disgusting!

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Nope Babe was 19 when she came on the show, but still she'd have been 17 when 9/11 happened, a bit too "old" for KWAK to be getting her ready for school.

WOW for once I didn't mind Ryan in GreenMe's face, Karma's a bitch, she's stalked so many people in the past, that I hope she knows how it feels now B)

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Oh definetly, but she was going to bars and getting drinks. She did this on AMC and OLTL. I guess she could have used a fake ID, but there was never an issue made out of that. I assumed her to be around the same age as JR and Paul and neither were teenagers. JR got SORASED and I dont buy him as 19 when JY took over
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^^That could be.

Or maybe the writers were just trying to write something that most moms could relate to in this situation...and since it was such a passing mention, that ALB didn't want to take the time to figure out just where and how old Babe was supposed to be on 9/11/01.

lol - Seriously, doesn't really matter. What matters is the emotion and sentiment coming from the scene.

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It was an OK ep--the only time (oddly) i really felt any magic was when Josh interacted with Julia and "kate" and I dunno why I liked that bit so much as it was brief and I'm not a huge fan of them as a group (though I do liek Josh more and more).

Otherwise nothing too bad but nothing all that great. For some reason for the first time in a while it really bugged me that FUsion was all staffed SOO young--not one older person (woman) to oversee everyone. I miss Enchantment and old 80s style "real" seeming corporations.

As for the new band characters--I sorta like them but... I liek that they're being introduced so slowly but I already sorta am annoyed that we haven't ahd even a brief scene with one of them one on one with another character or something so I can get some connection. Dre (who I guess as the only one on contract will be the main one to be developed) and not being into 9/11 prob means his parents or someone died during it...

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