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AMC: Tuesday

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Leap of Faith Ryan

Ryan really has some nerve to come down on Greenlee for Kendall being the one who gave Spike the vitamins that he was allergic to and is now putting the blame on her. Well geez Ryan who was the one who actually got the vitamins and who gave the vitamins? Kendall and Dr. Hilliard are the answers ding ding ding! And who did not have the vitamins inspected by another doctor for a second opinion? Kendall! So for once Greenlee is not really the enemy here and just recommended that Kendall see this doctor. As for if he is a quack or not, get Detective Aidan on the case to do some detective work. Or better yet just get Ryan a P.I. license from a Cracker Jack In The Box and let him be the HIGH HO hero once again for all of Pine Valley. Warn them of this evil doctor who turns feet into spaghetti strips as well as turning titties into chicken strips. Bawk bawk bawk! Good lord Ryan you need to realize that Kendall took that leap of faith and did not do enough research on her own with the vitamins and hence she just gave them to Spike as if nothing was wrong with them. Greenlee is not the reason for Kendall WILLINGLY putting the vitamins in Spike's milk. DUH! Gosh the idiot just never needs to learn about anything. But then again in Ryan's woe is me life, taking responsibility and common sense are never in his orbit. So how can we expect him to think of the basics in a scene like this? Ryan is a tird of the fifth magnitude and that is very high up! Now go choke to death Ryan

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Watching right now and Krystal goofed. She said that on September 11th, she was getting ready to wake up Babe from school. But um that doesnt make sense. Babe came on the show in 2003 and she was at least 21 years old which would have made her 19 in 2001 and AMC just made a big deal about her dropping out of high school. She wasnt in school in 2001! . I had just started college at that time and Babe is older than me. Maybe Krystal was drunk that morning....lol

Can the show be more obvious with the Tad/Kathy stuff? I think she is too close with a man she's barely spent time with. I remember before she left, she wanted him to be her daddy. They really shouldnt be this close and have this deep connection yet

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