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AMC: Monday

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The Dr. Hilliard stuff was making my head hurt today (which I guess was somewhat better than boring me - i.e. G/A). Why exactly am I suppose to think Dr. Hilliard is anything other than a guy who has overcame his problems and is now an alternative medicine doctor? Am I suppose to think he's a quack doctor because he believes in alternative medicine? Am I suppose to think he's a quack doctor because a kid had an allergic reaction to an ingredient? Am I suppose to think he's a quack and "a fraud" because BEFORE he went to Betty Ford he was addicted to pain killers so prescribed himself a few which caused him to lose his medical license for a while? So I guess Erica is a big ole fraud too who needs to be railed out of her careers, who's she to be giving advice on television?

Seriously though, was the intent today for us to buy that people would have to be crazy to trust a Dr. Hilliard type and that Dr. Hilliard is a quack? If it was, wow that just went wrong and what a narrow-minded message for the show to try to send, to me it came off like significant prejudice against the ways of alternative medicine/healing. I'm hoping that tomorrow they at least try to clean this up a little instead of keeping up with the quack talk.

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I think Erica found out that Dr. Hilliard was a fraud before he entered Betty Ford and there is more to the story than he prescribing painkillers to himself and upon reinstating his license, the medical board did not realize this

Blue Streak Ryan

Uh oh baby Spike turns blue on today's show and yet Ryan is not there to be able to help bring his baby boy back to life! Call the media and alert them that the wannabe doctor has not been able to perform miracles just like he did with the Green Butterfly and bringing her out of her psychotic stupidor. My gosh well Ryan has just lost that magical touch of his and is no longer going to have his precious little Dynamite Kiddo medical license to help out someone who is choking on a condom or has passed out after drinking some urine infested Dynamite Lippo wine. Well slap me silly and call me Billy but it appears as if too many people are going to be in woe is me peril that someone will just have to make up for Ryan losing that license of his and come ride to the rescue. For once St. Ryan is not going to be riding on his white horse to come save the day and play HIGH HO Hero but it certainly will not be Ryan. In the meantime the oaf is going to be reduced to waiting tables at the Ho Ho BackaBack restaurant since he really has no use for a job right now that at least requires an MBA. For some reason people in Pine Valley think they can work without a degree but with Ryan he has to have one or else the consequences and risks will be skyrocketing high. Perhaps even higher than Cher's afro. I just wonder now what will happen when Spike turns blue again. Perhaps it could be Ryan will just think he is "getting" the blues rather than is at death's door.

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yes very sexy but essentially we're going to have Wes and NuBabe which is like having two new characters that we really don't care about. He might have been a good match for Di but you know the AMC All BABE ALL THE TIME philosophy. Sigh, why is this show so bad?

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Haha - I saw that commercial too. Soooo cheesy and off the wall - haha.

Anyway - yeah, I felt sorry for Dr. Hilliard! I don't understand why Erica turned on a good rehab buddy 10 years later just bc he practices alternative medicine that Greenlee happened to find and suggest? WTF! I understand her overreacting once Spike almost died, but again, it was an allergic reaction. I feel bad for the guy.

Again, that Wes is HOT! I wish I didn't read spoilers, bc the whole Graiden 'mystery' thing would intrigue me more...and the transitioning today would have meant something more today in that last scene. That's all I'll say I guess...

Kendall was back to being annoying today - and Minshew was back to over-stuttering. I don't like it when she does that....ugh.

Loved Adam's parenting skills today - loved the coalminer story and how JR doesn't have the drive, etc.

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